Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SAP Interview Questions

1. What is SAP?

SAP is the name of the company founded in 1972 under the German name (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) is the leading ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software package.

SAP Basics feature
* Configuration of the SAP modules
o Transaction SPRO - this is the main tree for all the configuration.
* Function Key
o F1 - Help
o F4 - Possible entries or matchcode for the field you are accessing
o F5 - Selection screen
o F7 - Previous screen
o F8 - Next screen
o F9 - Technical info
o CTRL+X - Cut
o CTRL+C - Copy
o CTRL+V - Paste
* Navigation
o /n Skip to the next record if you are processing one batch input session
o /bend Cancel a batch input foreground process
o /nend Close all R/3 sessions and logoff
o /nxxx x Call the transaction xxxx in the same session
o /o Generate a session list
o /oxxx x Call the transaction xxxx in an additional session
o /i Delete the current session
o /h Turn the debug mode on
o /$tab Reset all buffers (for System Administrators)
o /$syn c Synchronize instances buffers (for System Administrators)

In 4.x, you can have long SAP transaction code up to a maximum of 20 character

2. Different types of ERP?
SAP, BAAN, JD Edwards, Oracle Financials, Siebel, PeopleSoft. Among all the ERP’s most of the companies implemented or trying to implement SAP because of number of advantages aver other ERP packages.

3. What is ERP?
ERP is a package with the techniques and concepts for the integrated management of business as a whole, for effective use of management resources, to improve the efficiency of an enterprise. Initially, ERP was targeted for manufacturing industry mainly for planning and managing core business like production and financial market. As the growth and merits of ERP package ERP software is designed for basic process of a company from manufacturing to small shops with a target of integrating information across the company.

4. Explain the concept of “Business Content” in SAP Business Information Warehouse?
Business Content is a pre-configured set of role and task-relevant information models based on consistent Metadata in the SAP Business Information Warehouse. Business Content provides selected roles within a company with the information they need to carry out their tasks. These information models essentially contain roles, workbooks, queries, InfoSources, InfoCubes, key figures, characteristics, update rules and extractors for SAP R/3, Business Applications and other selected applications.

5. Why do you usually choose to implement SAP?
There are number of technical reasons numbers of companies are planning to implement SAP. It’s highly configurable, highly secure data handling, min data redundancy, max data consistency, you can capitalize on economics of sales like purchasing, tight integration-cross function.

6. Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation?
Certainly. You can run BW without R/3 implementation. You can use pre-defined business content in BW using your non-SAP data. Here you simply need to map the transfer structures associated with BW data sources (InfoCubes, ODS tables) to the inbound data files or use 3rd part tool to connect your flat files and other data sources and load data in BW. Several third party ETL products such as Acta, Infomatica, DataStage and others will have been certified to load data in BW.

7. What is IDES?
International Demonstration and Education System. A sample application provided for faster learning and implementation.

8. What is WF and its importance?
Business Work Flow: Tool for automatic control and execution of cross-application processes. This involves coordinating the persons involved, the work steps required, the data, which needs to be processed (business objects). The main advantage is reduction in throughput times and the costs involved in managing business processes. Transparency and quality are enhanced by its use.

9. What is SAP R/3?
A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that performs common business function based on multinational leading practice. Takes care of any enterprise however diverse in operation, spread over the world. In R/3 system all the three servers like presentation, application server and database server are located at different system.

10. What are presentation, application and database servers in SAP R/3?
The application layer of an R/3 System is made up of the application servers and the message server. Application programs in an R/3 System are run on application servers. The application servers communicate with the presentation components, the database, and also with each other, using the message server. All the data are stored in a centralized server. This server is called database server.

11. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
Convert the legacy system data to a flat file and convert flat file into internal table. Transfer the flat file into sap system called “sap data transfer”. Call transaction(Write the program explicitly) or create sessions (sessions are created and processed ,if success data will transfer).

12. Explain open SQL vs native SQL?
ABAP Native SQL allows you to include database-specific SQL statements in an ABAP program. Most ABAP programs containing database-specific SQL statements do not run with different databases. If different databases are involved, use Open SQL. To execute ABAP Native SQL in an ABAP program, use the statement EXEC. Open SQL (Subset of standard SQL statements), allows you to access all database tables available in the R/3 System, regardless of the manufacturer. To avoid conflicts between database tables and to keep ABAP programs independent from the database system used, SAP has generated its own set of SQL statements known as Open SQL.

13. What are datasets?
The sequential files (processed on application server) are called datasets. They are used for file handling in SAP.

14. What are internal tables check table, value table, and transparent table?
Internal table: It is a standard data type object, which exists only during the runtime of the program. Check table: Check table will be at field level checking. Value table: Value table will be at domain level checking ex: scarr table is check table for carrid. Transparent table: - Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same data and fields.

15. What are the major benefits of reporting with BW over R/3? Would it be sufficient just to Web-enable R/3 Reports?
Performance — Heavy reporting along with regular OLTP transactions can produce a lot of load both on the R/3 and the database (cpu, memory, disks, etc). Just take a look at the load put on your system during a month end, quarter end, or year-end — now imagine that occurring even more frequently. Data analysis — BW uses a Data Warehouse and OLAP concepts for storing and analyzing data, where R/3 was designed for transaction processing. With a lot of work you can get the same analysis out of R/3 but most likely would be easier from a BW.

16. How can an ERP such as SAP help a business owner learn more about how business operates?
In order to use an ERP system, a business person must understand the business processes and how they work together from one functional area to the other. This knowledge gives the student a much deeper understanding of how a business operates. Using SAP as a tool to learn about ERP systems will require that the people understand the business processes and how they integrate.

17. What is the difference between OLAP and Data Mining?
OLAP - On line Analytical processing is a reporting tool configured to understand your database schema ,composition facts and dimensions . By simple point-n-clicking, a user can run any number of canned or user-designed reports without having to know anything of SQL or the schema. Because of that prior configuration, the OLAP engine “builds” and executes the appropriate SQL. Mining is to build the application to specifically look at detailed analyses, often algorithmic; even more often misappropriate called “reporting.

18. What is “Extended Star Schema” and how did it emerge?
The Star Schema consists of the Dimension Tables and the Fact Table. The Master Data related tables are kept in separate tables, which has reference to the characteristics in the dimension table(s). These separate tables for master data is termed as the Extended Star Schema.

19. Define Meta data, Master data and Transaction data
Meta Data: Data that describes the structure of data or MetaObjects is called Metadata. In other words data about data is known as Meta Data. Master Data: Master data is data that remains unchanged over a long period of time. It contains information that is always needed in the same way. Characteristics can bear master data in BW. With master data you are dealing with attributes, texts or hierarchies. Transaction data: Data relating to the day-to-day transactions is the Transaction data.

20. Name some drawbacks of SAP
Interfaces are huge problem, Determine where master data resides, Expensive, very complex, demands highly trained staff, lengthy implementation time.

21. What is Bex?
Bex stands for Business Explorer. Bex enables end user to locate reports, view reports, analyze information and can execute queries. The queries in workbook can be saved to there respective roles in the Bex browser. Bex has the following components: Bex Browser, Bex analyzer, Bex Map, Bex Web.

22. What are variables?
Variables are parameters of a query that are set in the parameter query definition and are not filled with values until the queries are inserted into workbooks. There are different types of variables which are used in different application: Characteristics variables, Hierarchies and hierarchy node, Texts, Formulas, Processing types, User entry/Default type, Replacment Path.

23. What is AWB?. What is its purpose?
AWB stands for Administrator WorkBench. AWB is a tool for controlling, monitoring and maintaining all the processes connected with data staging and processing in the business information whearhousing.

24. What is the significance of ODS in BIW?
An ODS Object serves to store consolidated and debugged transaction data on a document level (atomic level). It describes a consolidated dataset from one or more InfoSources. This dataset can be analyzed with a BEx Query or InfoSet Query. The data of an ODS Object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes and/or other ODS Objects in the same system or across systems. In contrast to multi-dimensional data storage with InfoCubes, the data in ODS Objects is stored in transparent, flat database tables.

25. What are the different types of source system?
SAP R/3 Source Systems, SAP BW, Flat Files and External Systems.

26. What is Extractor?
Extractors is a data retrieval mechanisms in the SAP source system. Which can fill the extract structure of a data source with the data from the SAP source system datasets. The extractor may be able to supply data to more fields than exist in the extract structure.

27. Describe how SAP handles Memory Management?
ST02 / ST03 In general via table buffers, you could go into the whole Work Process, roll in, roll out, heap (private) memory, etc. However just as a Unix or DBA admin would know, is you look this up when needed for the exact specifics.

28. Describe where they would look at the buffer statistics, and what steps they would use to adjust them?
ST02, RZ10 ...

29. Describe how to setup a printer in SAP or where they would look to research why a user/users can not print?
SPAD, SP01, SM50, SU01 ...

30. Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements?
YES. eg:- ITAB LIKE we are referening to a data object(SPFLI) not data element.
What are the different types of data dictionary objects? tables, structures, views, domains, data elements, lock objects, Match code objects.

31. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
i)call transaction(Write the program explicity)
ii) create sessions (sessions are created and processed.if success data will transfer).

32. What are the problems in processing batch input sessions and How is batch input process different from processing online?
PROBLEMS: i) If the user forgets to opt for keep session then the session will be automatically removed from the session queue(log remains). However if session is processed we may delete it manually.
ii)if session processing fails data will not be transferred to SAP database table.

33. What does an extract statement do in the ABAP program?
Once you have declared the possible record types as field groups and defined their structure, you can fill the extract dataset using the following statements: EXTRACT. When the first EXTRACT statement occurs in a program, the system creates the extract dataset and adds the first extract record to it. In each subsequent EXTRACT statement, the new extract record is added to the dataset EXTRACT HEADER. When you extract the data, the record is filled with the current values of the corresponding fields. As soon as the system has processed the first EXTRACT statement for a field group , the structure of the corresponding extract record in the extract dataset is fixed. You can no longer insert new fields into the field groups and HEADER. If you try to modify one of the field groups afterwards and use it in another EXTRACT statement, a runtime error occurs. By processing EXTRACT statements several times using different field groups, you fill the extract dataset with records of different length and structure. Since you can modify field groups dynamically up to their first usage in an EXTRACT statement, extract datasets provide the advantage that you need not determine the structure at the beginning of the program.

34. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the data base physically?

35. What is the step by step process to create a table in data dictionary?
step 1: creating domains(data type, field length, range).
step 2: creating data elements(properties and type for a table field).
step 3: creating tables(SE11). 

More Else

SAP Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is ERP? - ERP is a package with the techniques and concepts for the integrated management of business as a whole, for effective use of management resources, to improve the efficiency of an enterprise. Initially, ERP was targeted for manufacturing industry mainly for planning and managing core business like production and financial market. As the growth and merits of ERP package ERP software is designed for basic process of a company from manufacturing to small shops with a target of integrating information across the company.
  2. Different types of ERP? - SAP, BAAN, JD Edwards, Oracle Financials, Siebel, PeopleSoft. Among all the ERP’s most of the companies implemented or trying to implement SAP because of number of advantages aver other ERP packages.
  3. What is SAP? - SAP is the name of the company founded in 1972 under the German name (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) is the leading ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software package.
  4. Explain the concept of “Business Content” in SAP Business Information Warehouse? - Business Content is a pre-configured set of role and task-relevant information models based on consistent Metadata in the SAP Business Information Warehouse. Business Content provides selected roles within a company with the information they need to carry out their tasks. These information models essentially contain roles, workbooks, queries, InfoSources, InfoCubes, key figures, characteristics, update rules and extractors for SAP R/3, Business Applications and other selected applications.
  5. Why do you usually choose to implement SAP? - There are number of technical reasons numbers of companies are planning to implement SAP. It’s highly configurable, highly secure data handling, min data redundancy, max data consistency, you can capitalize on economics of sales like purchasing, tight integration-cross function.
  6. Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation? - Certainly. You can run BW without R/3 implementation. You can use pre-defined business content in BW using your non-SAP data. Here you simply need to map the transfer structures associated with BW data sources (InfoCubes, ODS tables) to the inbound data files or use 3rd part tool to connect your flat files and other data sources and load data in BW. Several third party ETL products such as Acta, Infomatica, DataStage and others will have been certified to load data in BW.
  7. What is IDES? - International Demonstration and Education System. A sample application provided for faster learning and implementation.
  8. What is WF and its importance? - Business Work Flow: Tool for automatic control and execution of cross-application processes. This involves coordinating the persons involved, the work steps required, the data, which needs to be processed (business objects). The main advantage is reduction in throughput times and the costs involved in managing business processes. Transparency and quality are enhanced by its use.
  9. What is SAP R/3? - A third generation set of highly integrated software modules that performs common business function based on multinational leading practice. Takes care of any enterprise however diverse in operation, spread over the world. In R/3 system all the three servers like presentation, application server and database server are located at different system.
  10. What are presentation, application and database servers in SAP R/3? - The application layer of an R/3 System is made up of the application servers and the message server. Application programs in an R/3 System are run on application servers. The application servers communicate with the presentation components, the database, and also with each other, using the message server. All the data are stored in a centralized server. This server is called database server.
  11. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program? - Convert the legacy system data to a flat file and convert flat file into internal table. Transfer the flat file into sap system called “sap data transfer”. Call transaction(Write the program explicitly) or create sessions (sessions are created and processed ,if success data will transfer).
  12. Explain open SQL vs native SQL? - ABAP Native SQL allows you to include database-specific SQL statements in an ABAP program. Most ABAP programs containing database-specific SQL statements do not run with different databases. If different databases are involved, use Open SQL. To execute ABAP Native SQL in an ABAP program, use the statement EXEC. Open SQL (Subset of standard SQL statements), allows you to access all database tables available in the R/3 System, regardless of the manufacturer. To avoid conflicts between database tables and to keep ABAP programs independent from the database system used, SAP has generated its own set of SQL statements known as Open SQL.
  13. What are datasets? - The sequential files (processed on application server) are called datasets. They are used for file handling in SAP.
  14. What are internal tables check table, value table, and transparent table? - Internal table: It is a standard data type object, which exists only during the runtime of the program. Check table: Check table will be at field level checking. Value table: Value table will be at domain level checking ex: scarr table is check table for carrid. Transparent table: - Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same data and fields.
  15. What are the major benefits of reporting with BW over R/3? Would it be sufficient just to Web-enable R/3 Reports? - Performance — Heavy reporting along with regular OLTP transactions can produce a lot of load both on the R/3 and the database (cpu, memory, disks, etc). Just take a look at the load put on your system during a month end, quarter end, or year-end — now imagine that occurring even more frequently. Data analysis — BW uses a Data Warehouse and OLAP concepts for storing and analyzing data, where R/3 was designed for transaction processing. With a lot of work you can get the same analysis out of R/3 but most likely would be easier from a BW.
  16. How can an ERP such as SAP help a business owner learn more about how business operates? - In order to use an ERP system, a
    business person must understand the business processes and how they work together from one functional area to the other. This knowledge gives the student a much deeper understanding of how a business operates. Using SAP as a tool to learn about ERP systems will require that the
    people understand the business processes and how they integrate.
  17. What is the difference between OLAP and Data Mining? - OLAP - On line Analytical processing is a reporting tool configured to understand your database schema ,composition facts and dimensions . By simple point-n-clicking, a user can run any number of canned or user-designed reports without having to know anything of SQL or the schema. Because of that prior configuration, the OLAP engine “builds” and executes the appropriate SQL. Mining is to build the application to specifically look at detailed analyses, often algorithmic; even more often misappropriate called “reporting.
  18. What is “Extended Star Schema” and how did it emerge? - The Star Schema consists of the Dimension Tables and the Fact Table. The Master Data related tables are kept in separate tables, which has reference to the characteristics in the dimension table(s). These separate tables for master data is termed as the Extended Star Schema.
  19. Define Meta data, Master data and Transaction data - Meta Data: Data that describes the structure of data or MetaObjects is called Metadata. In other words data about data is known as Meta Data. Master Data: Master data is data that remains unchanged over a long period of time. It contains information that is always needed in the same way. Characteristics can bear master data in BW. With master data you are dealing with attributes, texts or hierarchies. Transaction data: Data relating to the day-to-day transactions is the Transaction data.
  20. Name some drawbacks of SAP - Interfaces are huge problem, Determine where master data resides, Expensive, very complex, demands highly trained staff, lengthy implementation time.
  21. What is Bex? - Bex stands for Business Explorer. Bex enables end user to locate reports, view reports, analyze information and can execute queries. The queries in workbook can be saved to there respective roles in the Bex browser. Bex has the following components: Bex Browser, Bex analyzer, Bex Map, Bex Web.
  22. What are variables? - Variables are parameters of a query that are set in the parameter query definition and are not filled with values until the queries are inserted into workbooks. There are different types of variables which are used in different application: Characteristics variables, Hierarchies and hierarchy node, Texts, Formulas, Processing types, User entry/Default type, Replacment Path.
  23. What is AWB?. What is its purpose? - AWB stands for Administrator WorkBench. AWB is a tool for controlling, monitoring and maintaining all the processes connected with data staging and processing in the business information whearhousing.
  24. What is the significance of ODS in BIW? - An ODS Object serves to store consolidated and debugged transaction data on a document level (atomic level). It describes a consolidated dataset from one or more InfoSources. This dataset can be analyzed with a BEx Query or InfoSet Query. The data of an ODS Object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes and/or other ODS Objects in the same system or across systems. In contrast to multi-dimensional data storage with InfoCubes, the data in ODS Objects is stored in transparent, flat database tables.
  25. What are the different types of source system? - SAP R/3 Source Systems, SAP BW, Flat Files and External Systems.
  26. What is Extractor? - Extractors is a data retrieval mechanisms in the SAP source system. Which can fill the extract structure of a data source with the data from the SAP source system datasets. The extractor may be able to supply data to more fields than exist in the extract structure.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SAP PS Transaction codes

Here is a list of PS transactions. (Excluding the S_ALR** series(reports)

CJ** are mainly Project Definition and WBS related,
CN** are mainly Network and activity related and the
OP** are mainly PS Configuration / Customization related.

There are other which is not on the list, but this is a good platform to start and build up your own list of PS transactions as per your requirements:
CJ01    Create Work Breakdown Structure
CJ02    Change Work Breakdown Structure
CJ03    Display Work Breakdown Structure
CJ06    Create Project Definition
CJ07    Change Project Definition
CJ08    Display Project Definition
CJ11    Create WBS Element
CJ12    Change WBS Element
CJ13    Display WBS Element
CJ14    Display WBS Element (From DMS)
CJ20    Structure planning
CJ20N   Project Builder
CJ21    Change Basic Dates
CJ22    Display Basic Dates
CJ23    Change Forecast Dates
CJ24    Display Forecast Dates
CJ25    Change Actual Dates
CJ26    Display Actual Dates
CJ27    Project planning board
CJ29    Update WBS (Forecast)
CJ2A    Display structure planning
CJ2B    Change project planning board
CJ2C    Display project planning board
CJ2D    Structure planning
CJ30    Change Project Original Budget
CJ31    Display Project Original Budget
CJ32    Change Project Release
CJ33    Display Project Release
CJ34    Project Budget Transfer
CJ35    Budget Return from Project
CJ36    Budget Supplement to Project
CJ37    Budget Supplement in Project
CJ38    Budget Return in Project
CJ3A    Change Budget Document
CJ3B    Display Budget Document
CJ40    Change Project Plan
CJ41    Display Project Plan
CJ42    Change Project Revenues
CJ43    Display Project Revenues
CJ44    Act. overhd: Projects, ind. process.
CJ45    Act. ovhd: Projects, coll. process.
CJ46    Plnd ovrhd: Projects, ind. process.
CJ47    Pld Overhead: Projects, Coll.Procssg
CJ48    Change Payment Planning: Init.Screen
CJ49    Display Payment Planning: Init.Scrn
CJ70    Maintain Project Settlement LIs
CJ72    Project: Act. amt. line item settlmt
CJ74    Project Actual Cost Line Items
CJ76    Project Commitment Line Items
CJ7E    Plan Data Transfer: Projects
CJ7G    Plan Data Transfer: Projects
CJ7M    Project Plan Cost Line Items
CJ7N    Maint. DRG inv.projects for retmt.
CJ80    Availability Control - Overview
CJ81    Update Report List
CJ88    Settle Projects and Networks
CJ8A    Act.-setlmt: Proj. retirmt. from IM
CJ8G    Actual Settlement: Projects/Networks
CJ8V    Period Close for Project Selection
CJ91    Create Standard WBS
CJ92    Change Standard WBS
CJ93    Display Standard WBS
CJ9B    Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Collective)
CJ9B_OLD        Copy Project Cost Planning (old)
CJ9BS   Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Indiv.)
CJ9C    Copy WBS Actual to Plan (Collective)
CJ9C_OLD        Copy Project Revenue Planning (old)
CJ9CS   Copy WBS Actual to Plan (Indiv.)
CJ9D    Copy Plan Versions
CJ9E    Plan Settlement: Projects
CJ9ECP  Project System: Easy Cost Planning
CJ9F    Copy Project Costing (Collective)
CJ9FS   Copy Project Costing (Indiv.)
CJ9G    Plan Settlement: Projects
CJ9K    Network Costing
CJ9L    Forecast Costs: Individual Projects
CJ9M    Forecast Costs: Coll.Project Proc.
CJ9Q    Integrated Planning for Ntwks(Coll.)
CJ9QS   Integrated Planning for Ntwks (Ind.)
CJA1    Proj.Rel.Order Receipts: Coll.Proc.
CJA2    Proj.Rel. Order Receipts: Ind.Proc.
CJAL    Send project
CJB1    Generate Settmt Rule: Coll.Proc.
CJB2    Generate Settmt Rule: Indiv.Proc.
CJBBS1  Planning Board Report Assignment
CJBBS2  Structure Overview Report Asst
CJBN    Reconstruct Availability Control
CJBV    Activate Project Availabilty Control
CJBW    Deactivate Project Availabilty Cntrl
CJC1    Maintenance Dialog for Per.
CJC2    Maintain Planned Status Changes
CJCD    Change documents: WBS
CJCF    Carry Forward Project Commitments
CJCO    Carry Forward Project Budget
CJCS    Standard WBS
CJE0    Run Hierarchy Report
CJE1    Create Hierarchy Report
CJE2    Change Hierarchy Report
CJE3    Display Hierarchy Report
CJE4    Create Project Report Layout
CJE5    Change Project Report Layout
CJE6    Display Project Report Layout
CJEA    Call Hierarchy Report
CJEB    Background Processing, Hier.Reports
CJEC    Maintain Project Crcy Trans.Type
CJEK    Copy Interfaces/Reports
CJEM    Project Reports: Test Monitor
CJEN    Reconstruct: Summarized Proj.Data
CJEO    Transport Reports
CJEP    Transport Forms
CJEQ    Import Reports from Client
CJET    Translation Tool - Drilldown
CJEV    Maintain Global Variable
CJEX    Reorganize Drilldown Reports
CJEY    Reorganize Report Data
CJEZ    Reorganize Forms
CJF1    Create Transfer Price Agreement
CJF2    Change Transfer Price Agreement
CJF3    Display Transfer Price Agreement
CJF4    Transfer Price Agreement List
CJFA    Analysis of Data Trans. into PS Cash
CJFN    CBM Payment Converter
CJG1    Enter Transfer Price Allocation
CJG3    Display Transfer Price Allocation
CJG4    Enter Trsfr Price Allocation: List
CJG5    Cancel Transfer Price Allocation
CJH1    Reconstruct Project Inheritance
CJH2    Project Inheritance Log
CJI1    Project Budget Line Items
CJI2    Budget Line Items: Document Chain
CJI3    Project Actual Cost Line Items
CJI4    Project Plan Cost Line Items
CJI5    Project Commitment Line Items
CJI8    Project Budget Line Items
CJI9    Project Struct.Pld Costs Line Items
CJIA    Project Actual and Commt Paymt LIs
CJIB    Project Plan Payment Line Items
CJIC    Maintain Project Settlement LIs
CJID    Display Project Settlement Line Itms
CJIE    Projects: Retirement LI Settlement
CJIF    Projects: Profitability Analysis LI
CJIG    Display PS Cash Documents
CJJ2    Change Statistical Key Figures
CJJ3    Display Statistical Key Figures
CJK2    Change Statistical Key Figures
CJK3    Display Statistical Key Figures
CJL2    Collective Agreement
CJN1    Reval.    ACT:  Projects    Ind.Pro.
CJN2    Reval.    ACT:  Projects    Col.Pro.
CJNO    Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELNR
CJO8    Overhead  COMM: Projects    Ind.Pro.
CJO9    Overhead  COMM: Projects    Col.Pro.
CJP1    Create Project Plan Adjustment
CJP2    Change Project Plan Adjustment
CJP3    Display Project Plan Adjustment
CJP4    Delete Project Plan Adjustment
CJPN    Number Range Maintenance: Proj.Items
CJPU    Execute Project Plan Adjustment
CJR2    PS: Change plan CElem/Activ. input
CJR3    PS: Display plan CElem/Activ. input
CJR4    PS: Change plan primary cost element
CJR5    PS: Display plan primary cost elem.
CJR6    PS: Change activity input planning
CJR7    PS: Display activity input planning
CJR8    PS: Change revenue type planning
CJR9    PS: Display Revenue Element Planning
CJS2    PS: Change stat. key figure planning
CJS3    PS: Display stat. key fig. planning
CJS4    PS: Change stat. key figure planning
CJS5    PS: Display stat. key fig. planning
CJSA    Data Transfer to SAP-EIS
CJSB    Select Key Figure and Characteristic
CJSG    Generate WBS Element Group
CJSN    Number Range Maintenance: Projects
CJT2    Project Actual Payment Line Items
CJV1    Create project version (simulation)
CJV2    Change project version (simulation)
CJV3    Display project version (simulation)
CJV4    Transfer project
CJV5    Delete simulation version
CJV6    Maintenance: Version administration
CJV7    Display transfer log
CJVC    Value Category Checking Program
CJW1    EURO: Adjust Project Budget
CJZ1    Act. Int Calc.: Projects Coll. Proc.
CJZ2    Actual Int.Calc.: Project Indiv.Prc.
CJZ3    Plan Int.Calc.: Project Indiv.Prc.
CJZ5    Plan Int.Calc.: Project Coll.Prc.
CJZ6    Actual Int.Calc.: Indiv.CO Order Prc
CJZ7    Planned Int.Calc: Indiv.CO Ord.Proc.
CJZ8    Actual Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.
CJZ9    Plan Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.

Network and activity related transaction codes:

CN01 -  Create Standard Network
CN02 -  Change Standard Network
CN03 -  Display Standard Network
CN04 -  Edit PS Text Catalog
CN05 -  Display PS Text Catalog
CN06 -  MPX Download: Standard Network
CN07 -  MPX Upload: Standard Network

CN08 -  Allocate material -> stand. network
CN09 -  Allocate material -> stand. network
CN11 -  Create standard milestone
CN12 -  Change standard milestone
CN13 -  Display standard milestone
CN19 -  Display Activity (From DMS)
CN20 -  Dsply network/act.bsc data init.scrn
CN21 -  Create Network
CN22 -  Change Network
CN23 -  Display Network
CN24 -  Overall Network Scheduling
CN24N   Overall Network Scheduling
CN25 -  Confirm Completions in Network
CN26 -  Display Mat.Comp/Init: Ntwk,Acty,Itm
CN26N   Display Mat. Components (From DMS)
CN27 -  Collective confirm.
CN28 -  Display Network Confirmations
CN29 -  Cancel Network Confirmation
CN2X -  Confirm Completions in Network
CN30 -  Processing PDC error records
CN33 -  PDM-PS interface
CN34 -  Maintain release table TCNRL
CN35 -  Control stock / account assignment
CN36 -  BOM Transfer Profile
CN37 -  BOM Allocation Field Selection
CN38 -  Maintain Flexible Reference Point
CN40 -  Project Overview
CN41 -  Structure Overview
CN42 -  Overview: Project Definitions
CN42N   Overview: Project Definitions
CN43 -  Overview: WBS Elements
CN43N   Overview: WBS Elements
CN44 -  Overview: Planned Orders
CN44N   Overview: Planned Orders
CN45 -  Overview: Orders
CN45N   Overview: Orders
CN46 -  Overview: Networks
CN46N   Overview: Networks
CN47 -  Overview: Activities/Elements
CN47N   Overview: Activities/Elements
CN48 -  Overview: Confirmations
CN48N   Overview: Confirmations
CN49 -  Overview: Relationships
CN49N   Overview: Relationships
CN50 -  Overview: Capacity Requirements
CN50N   Overview: Capacity Requirements
CN51 -  Overview: PRTs
CN51N   Overview: PRTs
CN52 -  Overview: Components
CN52N   Overview: Components
CN53 -  Overview: Milestones

CN53N   Overview: Milestones
CN54N   Overview: Sales Document
CN55N   Overview: Sales and Dist. Doc. Items
CN60 -  Change Documents for Projects/Netw.
CN61 -  Standard network
CN65 -  Change documents order /network
CN70 -  Overview: Batch variants
CN71 -  Create versions
CN72 -  Create Project Version
CN80 -  Archiving project structures
CN81 -  PS: Archiving project - preliminary
CN82 -  PS: Archiving project structures
CN83 -  PS: Archiving project - Info System
CN84 -  PS: Archiving project - admin.
CN85 -  PS: Delete operative structures
CN98 -  Delete Standard Networks
CN99 -  Archiving Standard Networks
CNB1 -  Purchase requisitions for project
CNB2 -  Purchase orders for project
CNC4 -  Consistency checks for WBS
CNC5 -  Consistency checks sales order/proj.
CNE1 -  Project Progress (Individual Proc.)
CNE2 -  Project Progress (Collective Proc.)
CNE5 -  Progress Analysis
CNG1 -  Netw./Hier.: Maintain frame types
CNG2 -  Netw./Hier.: Maintain form def.
CNG3 -  Netw./hier.: maintain color definit.
CNG4 -  Netw./Hier.: Maintain graph. profile
CNG5 -  Netw./Hier: Maintain options profile
CNG6 -  Netw./hier.: Maintain node type
CNG7 -  Netw./Hier.: Maintain link types
CNG8 -  Netw./Hier.: Maintain field def.
CNG9 -  Graph. Cust. Netw./Hierarchy Graph.
CNL1 -  Create delivery information
CNL2 -  Change delivery information
CNL3 -  Display delivery information
CNMASS  Mass Changes in Project System
CNMASSPROT -    Display log f. mass changes PS
CNMM -  Project-Oriented Procurement
CNMT -  Milestone Trend Analysis
CNN0 -  Number Range for Library Network
CNN1 -  Number range maint.: ROUTING_0
CNPAR   Partner Overview
CNPRG   Network Progress
CNR1 -  Create Work Center
CNR2 -  Change Work Center
CNR3 -  Display Work Center
CNS0 -  Create deleivry from project
CNS40   Project Overview
CNS41   Structure Overview
CNS42   Overview: Project Definitions
CNS43   Overview: WBS Elements
CNS44   Overview: Planned Orders
CNS45   Overview: Orders
CNS46   Overview: Networks
CNS47   Overview: Activities/Elements
CNS48   Overview: Confirmations
CNS49   Overview: Relationships
CNS50   Overview: Capacity Requirements
CNS51   Overview: PRTs
CNS52   Overview: Components
CNS53   Overview: Milestones
CNS54   Overview: Sales Document
CNS55   Overview: Sales and Dist. Doc. Items
CNS60   Change Documents for Projects/Netw.
CNS71   Create versions
CNS83   PS: Archiving project - Info System
CNSE5   Progress Analysis
CNVL -  Variable Overviews
CNW1 -  WWW: Confirmation
CNW4 -  Project Documents

PS Configuration / Customization related Transactions codes:

OP00 -  Maintain Operation Control Key
OP01 -  Customizing Routing/Work Center
OP03 -  Factory Calendar C
OP04 -  Word Processing
OP07 -  Standard Text
OP08 -  Standard Text
OP09 -  Maintain Alternative Activity Desc.

OP10 -  Maintain Person Responsible
OP11 -  Maintain Period Pattern Key
OP12 -  Maintain Location
OP13 -  Maintain Screen Sequence
OP14 -  Maintain Type of Std. Value Determin
OP15 -  Production User Profile
OP16 -  Maintain Period Pattern
OP17 -  Formula Parameters
OP18 -  Maintain Setup Group/Setup Group Cat
OP19 -  Standard Value Key
OP20 -  Maintain Setup Type Key
OP21 -  Define Formula
OP22 -  Maintain Wage Groups
OP23 -  Maintain Location
OP24 -  Maintain period dependent oper. val.
OP26 -  Maintain suitability
OP28 -  Maintain Perf. Efficiency Rate Key
OP30 -  Maintain Move Time Matrix
OP31 -  Maintain Time Segment (Per. Pattern)
OP32 -  Maintain Capacity Category
OP34 -  Maintain Work Center Planner Group
OP35 -  Maintain Perf. Efficiency Rate Key
OP36 -  Maintain Capacity Default Values
OP37 -  Maintain Available Capacity Version
OP38 -  Maintain Setup Type Key
OP39 -  Maintain Graphics Profile
OP40 -  Maintain Work Center Category
OP41 -  Matchcode for work center
OP42 -  Default work center
OP43 -  Maintain Setup Group Categories
OP44 -  Maintain Task List Usage
OP45 -  Maintain Usage
OP46 -  Maintain Task List Status
OP47 -  Maintain PRT Usage
OP48 -  Maintain Planner Group
OP49 -  Matchcode for Routings/Ref. Op. Sets
OP4A -  Maintain Shift Sequences
OP4B -  Overview variant: Routing
OP4C -  Overview variant: Ref. oper. set
OP4D -  Overview variant: Rate routing
OP4E -  Overview variant: Ref. rate routing
OP4F -  Overview var.:Scheduling of routings
OP4G -  Overview var.:Scheduling ref.op.set
OP4H -  Overview var.:Scheduling of rate rtg
OP4I -  Overview var.:Scheduling RefRateRtgs
OP50 -  Assign Material Types
OP51 -  Formula Parameters
OP52 -  Formula Parameters
OP53 -  Formula Parameters
OP54 -  Define Formula
OP55 -  Define Formula
OP56 -  Define Formula
OP57 -  Define Formula
OP58 -  Maintain Default Value Profiles
OP59 -  Formula Parameters
OP5A -  Field Selection: Task List Overview
OP5B -  Field Selection: Task List Header
OP5C -  Field Selection: Task List Sequence
OP5D -  Field Selection: Task List Details
OP5E -  Field selection task list overview
OP5F -  Field selection std network -> PRT
OP5H -  Field sel. insp.plan characteristics
OP61 -  Number range maintenance: ROUTING_3
OP62 -  Number ranges for routings
OP63 -  Number Ranges for Ref.Operation Sets
OP64 -  Maintain Setup Group Key
OP65 -  Formula Parameters
OP66 -  Maintain Location Group
OP67 -  Maintain Operation Control Key
OP68 -  Maintain Move Time Matrix
OP69 -  Maintain wage type
OP70 -  Maintain PRT Control Key
OP71 -  Maintain Wage Group
OP72 -  PRT Control Key
OP73 -  PRT Authorization Group
OP74 -  Maintain PRT Group Key
OP76 -  Define suitability
OP77 -  Engineering Workbench for Task Lists
OP78 -  Maintain Type of Std. Value Determin
OP7A -  Customizing matchcode for PRTs
OP7B -  Define Parameters
OP80 -  Maintain PRT Status
OP82 -  Define Formula
OP84 -  Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs.
OP85 -  Profiles: Default Values for QM
OP87 -  Maintain Routing/Ref.Op.Set Usage
OP88 -  Maintain Assignmt. of Task List Type
OP8A -  Maintain operation value description
OP8B -  Maintain standard value texts
OP8C -  Record layout for background (APL)
OP8D -  Data transfer APL
OP8E -  Command file task lists Rel. 2.2A
OP8F -  Maintain production scheduler
OP8H -  Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs.
OP91 -  Maintain Object Overview Version
OP95 -  Assign Work Center Cat. to Applicatn
OP96 -  Maintain Work Center Category
OP97 -  Maintain Performance Efficiency Rate
OP98 -  Maintain Validity of Perf.Effic.Rate
OPA0 -  Status selection profiles
OPA1 -  Maintain combination definitions
OPA2 -  Define selection profile
OPA3 -  Define option profile
OPA4 -  Define list profile
OPA5 -  Define graphics profile
OPA6 -  Define overall profile
OPA7 -  Define columns
OPA9 -  Maintain selection profiles
OPB1 -  Define list versions
OPB2 -  Define distribution function
OPB3 -  Specify distribution functions
OPB4 -  Specify distribution strategies
OPB5 -  Specify distribution key
OPC0 -  Axis representation selection
OPC1 -  Maintain axis representation
OPC2 -  Curve representation selection
OPC3 -  Maintain curve representation
OPC5 -  Max. no. of data records
OPCD -  Capacity category
OPCE -  Capacity planner
OPCF -  Time units
OPCG -  Maintain Operation Control Key
OPCH -  Maintain production scheduler
OPCI -  Setup group key/category
OPCL -  Scheduling type
OPCM -  Standard value key
OPCN -  Maintain move time matrix
OPCQ -  Efficiency rate
OPCR -  Formula parameters
OPCS -  Define formula
OPCT -  Strategies
OPCU -  Strategy levels
OPCW -  Planned order parameters
OPCX -  Formula parameters
OPCY -  Define formula
OPD0 -  Resource planning overall profile
OPD1 -  Resource planning selection profile
OPD2 -  Capacity leveling - time profile
OPD3 -  Resource planning evaluation profile
OPD4 -  Resource planning period profile
OPD5 -  Flow control definition
OPD6 -  Flow control control table
OPD7 -  Flow control statuses
OPD8 -  Flow Control Actions
OPD9 -  Flow Control Messages
OPDA -  Transition matrix (setup matrix)
OPDB -  Capacity Leveling Strategy Profile
OPDD -  Factory calendar
OPDE -  Resource planning control profile
OPDF -  Define requirements grouping
OPDH -  Capacity leveling - list profile
OPDJ -  Define layout
OPDK -  Define standard overview
OPDL -  Cap. plan. detailed cap.list maint.
OPDM -  Define detail list (leveling)
OPDQ -  Profile for planning table (tab.)
OPDR -  Define layout key
OPDT -  Define detail list
OPDU -  Maintain perf. efficiency rate key
OPDV -  Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s
OPDW -  Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s
OPE0 -  Maintain Sort String
OPE1 -  Maintain Value Type
OPE2 -  Maintain Machine Type
OPE3 -  Maintain Planner Group
OPE4 -  Maintain Control Parameters
OPE5 -  Maintain rounding categories
OPE6 -  Maintain Rounding Category
OPE7 -  Maintain overhead key
OPE8 -  Maint. Roundg. and Add.Val.Key (Def)
OPE9 -  Maintain User Profile
OPEA -  User selection
OPEB -  Automatic selection
OPEC -  PP user fields
OPENPS  Download Activities to Palm Pilot
OPF0 -  Maintain User
OPF1 -  Authorizations for CAPP
OPFA -  Field selection: Work center
OPFP -  Configuring the Fixed Price Version
OPG0 -  Profile for planning table
OPG1 -  Chart sequence - selection
OPG2 -  Line representation
OPG3 -  Scale time axis
OPG4 -  Time scale profile
OPG5 -  Graphic obj.type sel./repr.profile
OPG6 -  Transition matrix setup fam.key
OPG7 -  Line display selection
OPG9 -  Graphical object type/obj.represent.
OPGD -  Ref. Oper. Set-All Task Lists (PP)
OPGE -  Ref. Oper. Set - Rate Routings (PP)
OPGF -  Work Center - All Task Lists (PP)
OPGG -  Work Center - Rate Routings (PP)
OPGH -  Document PRT - All Task Lists
OPGI -  Equipment PRT - All Task Lists
OPGJ -  Material PRT - All Task Lists
OPGK -  Misc. PRT - All Task Lists
OPGL -  Resource - Master Recipes (PI)
OPGM -  Process Instr. Cat. - Master Recipe
OPGN -  Document PRT - Maintenance Task List
OPGO -  Equipment PRT-Maintenance Task Lists
OPGP -  Material PRT - Maintenance Task List
OPGQ -  Misc. PRT - Maintenance Task Lists
OPGR -  Work Center - Standard Network (PS)
OPGS -  Document PRT - Standard Network (PS)
OPGT -  Equipment PRT - Standard Network(PS)
OPGU -  Material PRT - Standard Network (PS)
OPGV -  Misc. PRT - Standard Network (PS)
OPH1 -  CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Actual Data
OPH2 -  PS Cash Management: Delete Plan Data
OPH3 -  CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Master Data
OPH4 -  CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: MM Data Transfer
OPH5 -  CO CBM: Successive FI Data Transfer
OPH6 -  CO CBM: Take Over FI Completely
OPH7 -  CO-CBM: Take Over All Data
OPI1 -  Maintain Value Categories
OPI2 -  Value Categories for Cost Elements
OPI3 -  Update Control: File RPSCO
OPI4 -  Commitment Item Value Categories
OPI5 -  Value Categories for Stag.Key Figs
OPI6 -  Activate CO Cash Budget Management
OPI8 -  Display Value Category
OPIA -  Interest Profile for Projects
OPIB -  Maintain Interest Profile
OPIC -  Intrst Relevance: Cost Els/Cmmt Itms
OPID -  Proj.Int Calc: Account Determination
OPIE -  Interest Indicator
OPIF -  View Maintenance:Compound Int.Cont.
OPIG -  View Maint.: Compound Int. Periods
OPIH -  Interest Scale, General Conditions
OPIN -  Number range maintnce: VHU_PINST
OPJ2 -  Production order stock determination
OPJ4 -  Schedule batch function request
OPJ6 -  Maintain Status Profiles
OPJ7 -  Maintain Routing Usage
OPJ8 -  Maintain Operation Control Key
OPJ9 -  Maintain prod. scheduler group
OPJA -  Maintain setup group/group category
OPJB -  Specify system messages
OPJC -  Maintain Wage Groups
OPJD -  Item Categories
OPJE -  User Selection
OPJF -  Automatic Selection
OPJG -  Maintain Default Values
OPJH -  Order types production order
OPJI -  BOM Usage Priorities
OPJJ -  Maintain Scope of Check
OPJK -  Maintain Control
OPJL -  Maintain Checking Rule
OPJM -  Application-Specific Criteria
OPJN -  Maintain Scheduling Type
OPJO -  C MM-BD units of measurement
OPJP -  Maint. acct.assgnm.types for orders
OPJQ -  Standard Value Key
OPJR -  Maintain move time matrix
OPJS -  PP: Maintain reduction strategies
OPJT -  Maintain Strategy Levels
OPJU -  Production order control parameters
OPJV -  Maintain Capacity Category
OPJW -  Maintain Capa.Planr.Grp for WrkCentr
OPJX -  Factory Calendar C
OPJY -  Maintain perf. efficiency rate key
OPJZ -  Maintain Release Periods
OPK0 -  Confirmation Parameters PP
OPK0T   Confirmation Parameters
OPK1 -  Confirmation Parameters PP-PI
OPK1T   Confirmation Parameters
OPK2 -  Formula Parameters
OPK3 -  Define Formula
OPK4 -  Confirmation Parameters
OPK5 -  Maintain variances
OPK6 -  List Layout
OPK7 -  Accessing Customizing PDC transfer
OPK8 -  Maintain print control prod. orders
OPK9 -  Maintain Goods Receipt Valuation
OPKA -  Maintain Movement Types
OPKB -  Control parallel confirmation
OPKC -  Control confirmation process chain
OPKD -  Control confirmation process chain
OPKE -  Screen Sequence for Components
OPKF -  Control parallel confirmation
OPKG -  Maintain Messages
OPKH -  Maintain Breakpoints
OPKI -  Maintain Collective Confirmation
OPKJ -  Maintain PRT Control Key
OPKK -  Standard Text
OPKL -  Formula Parameters
OPKM -  Define Formula
OPKN -  Overview variant production control
OPKO -  Command File for Production Orders
OPKP -  Shop floor control profile
OPKQ -  Customizing: Matchcode for Proc.Ord.
OPKR -  Print flag
OPKS -  Maintain Origins for CO Object
OPKT -  Initial Screen: Settlement Structure
OPKU -  Maintain Collective Confirmation
OPKV -  Print Flag
OPKW -  Print shop papers
OPKX -  Deletion Flag/Indicator
OPKZ -  Customizing Matchcode for ProdOrder
OPL1 -  Costing Variants: PP Prod. Order
OPL2 -  Maintain trigger point group
OPL3 -  Trigger point usage
OPL4 -  Profile for missing parts list
OPL5 -  Order type LIS parameters
OPL6 -  Profile for documented goods mvmts
OPL7 -  Order change management profile
OPL8 -  Order type parameters: Overview
OPL9 -  Parameters for order change mgmt
OPLA -  Conditions: V_T682F for H CO
OPLB -  CondTab: Create (batch, prod.)
OPLC -  CondTab: Change (batchs, prod.)
OPLD -  CondTab: Display (batches, prod.)
OPLE -  Strategy types: Batch determ. (prod)
OPLF -  Access: Maintain batch determ.(prod)
OPLG -  Batch determ.: Procedure for prod.
OPLH -  Overview variant - production orders
OPLI -  Background job for goods movements
OPLJ -  Job "Fast entry confirmation"
OPLK -  Overall profile for order prog. rep.
OPLL -  Order progress: Displayed fields
OPLM -  Order progress: Displayed fields
OPLO -  maintain selection profile
OPLP -  Job "Convert planned order"
OPLQ -  maintain filter for control keys
OPLR -  Maintain filter for capacity version
OPLS -  Parallel processing control
OPLT -  Target System for Data Transfer
OPLV -  Maintain Filter for Task List Usage
OPLW -  Maintain Filter for Task List Status
OPLX -  Maintain Filter for BOM Usage
OPLY -  Maintain Filter for BOM Status
OPLZ -  Maintain POI Planned Order Selection
OPM0 -  Maintain profile - field selection
OPM1 -  Costing Variants - Production Order
OPM2 -  Maintain Detail Screen Control Oper.
OPM3 -  Maintain Detail Scrn Control Header
OPMF -  Field Selection - BOM Transfer
OPMI -  Import models activities
OPMJ -  Determine progress values
OPN0 -  Master Recipe Profile
OPN1 -  Maintain Profiles for Master Recipes
OPN2 -  Valuation Variants - Prod. Order
OPN3 -  Overv.Var.: Master Recipe Scheduling
OPN5 -  Field Seln: Std Network Overview
OPN6 -  Field Selection Standard Network Hdr
OPN7 -  Field Sel.:Std Ntwk Activity Detail
OPN8 -  Field Sel.:Std.Ntwk Comp.Overview
OPN9 -  Field Sel. Std Ntwk Comp.Detail
OPO1 -  Create Cost Element Planning Layout
OPO2 -  Change Cost Element Planning Layout
OPO3 -  Display Cost Element Planning Layout
OPO4 -  Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
OPO5 -  Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
OPO6 -  Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
OPO7 -  View Maintenance V_TCJ41_7
OPO8 -  View Maintenance V_TCJ41_8
OPO9 -  View Maintenance V_TCJ41_9
OPOA -  View Maintenance V_T003O_N0
OPOB -  View Maintenance V_T003O_N1
OPOC -  View Maintenance V_T399X_N0
OPOD -  View Maintenance V_T399X_N1
OPOE -  View Maintenance T_T399X_N2
OPP1 -  Customizing MRP
OPP3 -  Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing
OPP5 -  List Profile Component List
OPPA -  PP/MRP Customizing Explosion
OPPB -  Direct Procurement
OPPC -  Period Grouping
OPPD -  Customizing Planning Time Fence
OPPE -  Conversion Plnnd Order -> Prod.Order
OPPE01  General iPPE Customizing
OPPE02  Define iPPE Node Type
OPPE03  Define iPPE Variant Types
OPPE04  Define iPPE Alternative Types
OPPE05  Define iPPE Relationship Types
OPPE06  Customer-Spec. Model Assgts (iPPE)
OPPE07  Time Analysis: Partner Products iPPE
OPPE11  Profiles: iPPE WB Professional
OPPE12  Tabs: iPPE Workbench Professional
OPPE13  User Assgmt: iPPE WB Professional
OPPE14  Define Reports for iPPE WB Prof.
OPPE15  Define Interface for iPPE Workbench
OPPE20  Profile Maintenance iPPE PS
OPPEACT01 -  -  Define Std Val. Determin. Type
OPPEACT02 -  -  Object Dependency in Process Struct.
OPPECHK01 -  -  Customizing: Consistency Check
OPPEDOK Documentation
OPPELUI01 -  -  Profile Definition: iPPE WB Express
OPPELUI02 -  -  User Assignment: iPPE WB Express
OPPERES01 -  -  Customizing for Production Resources
OPPESCMPV -  -  Object Dependent Status Management
OPPESTATUS -    Cross-Application Status Management
OPPF -  Customizing for Order Report
OPPH -  Customizing Purchase Req. Conversion
OPPI -  Available Stock
OPPJ -  MRP Checking Rule
OPPK -  Hierarchy Element
OPPM -  Evaluation Profiles
OPPN -  Layout
OPPO -  Hierarchy Element
OPPP -  Customizing Direct Procurement
OPPQ -  C M MRP Plant Parameters for MRP
OPPS -  Strategy
OPPT -  Strategy Group
OPPU -  Strategy Group for MRP Group
OPPZ -  MRP Group
OPR1 -  Area of Responsibility <-> Message
OPR3 -  Definition of Breakpoints
OPR4_ACT -  -   Multilevel Actual Settlement
OPR4_CK Material Cost Estimate
OPR4_CKMC -  -  Mass Costing - Sales Documents
OPR4_CKML -  -  Closing and Calc. of Periodic Price
OPR4_CKPF -  -  Price Update
OPR4_FCO -  -   Collective Processing: Variances
OPR4_KKA -  -   WIP Calculation
OPR4_KKP -  -   Repetitive Mfg and Process Mfg
OPR4_KKS -  -   Collective Processing: Variances
OPR4_KKS1 -  -  Individual Processing: Variances
OPR4_PPCO -  -  Production Order: Cost Calculation
OPR5 -  Definition of Error Mgmt IDs (SAP)
OPR6 -  Definition of Object IDs (SAP)
OPR7 -  Def. of Areas of Responsibility
OPR8 -  Def. of Minimum Message Types (SAP)
OPR9 -  Def. of Reference Objects (SAP)
OPRCMFE User-Defined Messages
OPRF -  Maintain Quotation Prefixes
OPS -   Customizing for Project System
OPS0 -  Maintain print control for networks
OPS1 -  Maintain User Fields
OPS2 -  Maintain Relationship Texts
OPS3 -  Maintain PS Text Types
OPS4 -  maintain simulation profile
OPS5 -  Maintain Standard Network Profile
OPS6 -  Maintain Project Manager
OPS7 -  Maintain Applicant
OPS8 -  Materialflow network
OPS9 -  Budget Management Profile
OPSA -  Maintain Project Profile
OPSB -  Cost Planning Profile
OPSC -  Create network types
OPSCAS  Command File Payments (PS)
OPSCOS  Command File Costs (PS)
OPSD -  Maintain Profile for Report Lines
OPSE -  Maintain Report Groups
OPSF -  Maintain Report Variations
OPSG -  Order change management profile
OPSH -  Maintain ctrl. key for activity (PS)
OPSI -  Edit PS validation rules
OPSINS  Command File Info System (PS-F)
OPSJ -  Maintain Project Coding
OPSK -  Maintain Special Characters
OPSL -  Project Info System Overview Maint.
OPSM -  Maintain Overall Profile PS InfoSys
OPSN -  Edit PS substitution rules
OPSO -  Maintain Project Types
OPSP -  Capacity availability check
OPSPAR1 Maintain Partner Functions
OPSPAR2 Define Lang.-Dep.Partner Functions
OPSPAR3 WBS Partner Profile
OPSQ -  Intervals for Cost/Revenue Types
OPSR -  Maintain milestones
OPSREV  Command File Revenues (PS)
OPSS -  Maintain milestones
OPST -  Network Confirmation Parameters
OPSU -  Maintain Activity Control Key
OPSV -  Cost object ind.
OPSW -  Info System Profile
OPSX -  PS: Reset "Budgeted" Status
OPT1 -  Maintain PS Transaction Types
OPT2 -  Matchcode for project definition
OPT3 -  Matchcode for WBS elements
OPT4 -  Matchcode for standard network
OPT5 -  Customizing matchcode for network
OPT6 -  Maintain std. milestone group
OPT7 -  Project planning board profile
OPT8 -  Maintain hierarchy graphic / dates
OPT9 -  Network parameters for PS-SD
OPTA -  Command file for PS -> FI area
OPTB -  Command file for WBS
OPTC -  Command file for network
OPTD -  Command file for standard network
OPTE -  Command file for PS info system
OPTF -  Command file for PS graphic
OPTG -  Maintain PS Info Summztn Criteria
OPTH -  PS info system maintenance
OPTI -  Maintain Progrss Analysis Overview
OPTJ -  Maintain PS Info Unit Conversion
OPTK -  Exclude Cost Elems from Avlbty Cntrl
OPTL -  Maintain PS Info Comparison Criteria
OPTM -  Fincl Budgeting Profile for Projects
OPTN -  Maintain priorities
OPTO -  Change costing variants
OPTP -  Sub-network parameters
OPTQ -  Maintain WBS scheduling parameters
OPTR -  Strategies for settlement rules
OPTS -  Maintain project version profile
OPTT -  Maint. acct.assgnm.types for orders
OPTU -  Maint. PS Info System field settings
OPTV -  Maint. PS Info System sort criteria
OPTW -  Maint.PS Info System group. criteria
OPTX -  Maint. PS Info System database set.
OPTY -  Capacity leveling - Time profile/PS
OPTZ -  Matchcode for standard WBS elements
OPU0 -  Matchcode for standard project def.
OPU3 -  Production order control parameters
OPU4 -  Maintain Capacity Planning (SOP)
OPU5 -  Parameter long term planning PlndOrd
OPU6 -  Production order control parameters
OPU7 -  Control parameters plant maintenance
OPU8 -  Overview Var.: Header Line Info Sys.
OPU9 -  Overview Variant: Item Line
OPUA -  Field selection: Network: Header
OPUB -  Field selection: Network: Overview
OPUC -  Field selection: Network: Details
OPUD -  Field selection:Network confirmation
OPUH -  Field sel: Std. project definition
OPUI -  Field selection: Std. WBS elements
OPUJ -  Field selection: Project definition
OPUK -  Field selection: WBS element
OPUL -  PS: Maintain reduction strategies
OPUM -  Maintain Subprojects
OPUN -  Capacity overviews
OPUO -  Project schedule overviews
OPUP -  Subnetwork schedule overview
OPUQ -  Overall network scheduling overview
OPUR -  Info System: Structure overview
OPUS -  Maintain Version Number Entry Mask
OPUT -  Maintain overview variants
OPUU -  Maintain Network Profile
OPUV -  Network Type Parameters
OPUW -  Standard Network Status
OPUX -  Maintain overview variants std netwk
OPUY -  Overview var.:Std.ntwrk scheduling
OPUZ -  Control parameters plant maintenance
OPVC -  Convert Avlability Cntrl Tol.Limits
OPVP -  Collective availibility checkProfile

SAP FI Transaction codes

SAP FI Transaction Code List 1

How to reverse a cleared documents?

The following procedure is to be followed to reverse the cleared document.
1. Reset the cleared document and reverse the document.
Path # Accounting --> financial Accounting --> C/L --> Document--> Reset Cleared items - T. code : FBRA
In this screen select resetting and reverse radio button and give the reversal reason. : 01 and save the settings.

*-- Maddipati
F-01 -  Enter Sample Document 
F-02 -  Enter G/L Account Posting 
F-03 -  Clear G/L Account 
F-04 -  Post with Clearing 
F-05 -  Post Foreign Currency Valuation 
F-06 -  Post Incoming Payments 
F-07 -  Post Outgoing Payments 
F-18 -  Payment with Printout 
F-19 -  Reverse Statistical Posting 
F-20 -  Reverse Bill Liability 
F-21 -  Enter Transfer Posting 
F-22 -  Enter Customer Invoice 
F-23 -  Return Bill of Exchange Pmt Request
F-25 -  Reverse Check/Bill of Exch. 
F-26 -  Incoming Payments Fast Entry 
F-27 -  Enter Customer Credit Memo 
F-28 -  Post Incoming Payments 
F-29 -  Post Customer Down Payment 
F-30 -  Post with Clearing 
F-31 -  Post Outgoing Payments 
F-32 -  Clear Customer 
F-33 -  Post Bill of Exchange Usage 
F-34 -  Post Collection 
F-35 -  Post Forfaiting 
F-36 -  Bill of Exchange Payment 
F-37 -  Customer Down Payment Request 
F-38 -  Enter Statistical Posting 
F-39 -  Clear Customer Down Payment 
F-40 -  Bill of Exchange Payment 
F-41 -  Enter Vendor Credit Memo 
F-42 -  Enter Transfer Posting 
F-43 -  Enter Vendor Invoice 
F-44 -  Clear Vendor 
F-46 -  Reverse Refinancing Acceptance 
F-47 -  Down Payment Request 
F-48 -  Post Vendor Down Payment 
F-49 -  Customer Noted Item 
F-51 -  Post with Clearing 
F-52 -  Post Incoming Payments 
F-53 -  Post Outgoing Payments 
F-54 -  Clear Vendor Down Payment 
F-55 -  Enter Statistical Posting 
F-56 -  Reverse Statistical Posting 
F-57 -  Vendor Noted Item 
F-58 -  Payment with Printout 
F-59 -  Payment Request 
F-60 -  Maintain Table: Posting Periods 
F-62 -  Maintain Table: Exchange Rates 
F-63 -  Park Vendor Invoice 
F-64 -  Park Customer Invoice 
F-65 -  Preliminary Posting 
F-66 -  Park Vendor Credit Memo 
F-67 -  Park Customer Credit Memo 
F-90 -  Acquisition from purchase w. vendor
F-91 -  Asset acquis. to clearing account 
F-92 -  Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer 
F.01 -  ABAP/4 Report: Balance Sheet 
F.02 -  Compact Journal 
F.03 -  Reconciliation 
F.04 -  G/L: Create Foreign Trade Report 
F.05 -  Foreign Currency Val.: Open Items 
F.06 -  Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Assts
F.07 -  G/L: Balance Carried Forward 
F.08 -  G/L: Account Balances 
F.09 -  G/L: Account List 
F.0A -  G/L: FTR Report on Disk 
F.0B -  G/L: Create Z2 to Z4 
F.10 -  G/L: Chart of Accounts 
F.11 -  G/L: General Ledger from Doc.File 
F.12 -  Advance Tax Return 
F.13 -  ABAP/4 Report: Automatic Clearing 
F.14 -  ABAP/4 Report: Recurring Entries 
F.15 -  ABAP/4 Report: List Recurr.Entries 
F.16 -  ABAP/4 Report: G/L Bal.Carried Fwd 
F.17 -  ABAP/4 Report: Cust.Bal.Confirmation
F.18 -  ABAP/4 Report: Vend.Bal.Confirmation
F.19 -  G/L: Goods/Invoice Received Clearing
F.1A -  Customer/Vendor Statistics 
F.1B -  Head Office and Branch Index 
F.20 -  A/R: Account List 
F.21 -  A/R: Open Items 
F.22 -  A/R: Open Item Sorted List 
F.23 -  A/R: Account Balances 
F.24 -  A/R: Interest for Days Overdue 
F.25 -  Bill of Exchange List 
F.26 -  A/R: Balance Interest Calculation 
F.27 -  A/R: Periodic Account Statements 
F.28 -  Customers: Reset Credit Limit 
F.29 -  A/R: Set Up Info System 1 
F.2A - arr.: Post (w/o OI)
F.2B - arr.: Post(with OI)
F.2C - arr.: w/o postings
F.2D -  Customrs: FI-SD comparison
F.2E -  Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps
F.2F -  Management Acct Group Reconciliation
F.2G -  Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L 
F.30 -  A/R: Evaluate Info System 
F.31 -  Credit Management - Overview 
F.32 -  Credit Management - Missing Data 
F.33 -  Credit Management - Brief Overview 
F.34 -  Credit Management - Mass Change 
F.35 -  Credit Master Sheet 
F.36 -  Adv.Ret.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout(DE)
F.37 -  Adv.rept.tx sls/purch.form print (BE
F.38 -  Transfer Posting of Deferred Tax 
F.39 -  C FI Maint. table T042Z (BillExcTyp)
F.40 -  A/P: Account List 
F.41 -  A/P: Open Items 
F.42 -  A/P: Account Balances 
F.44 -  A/P: Balance Interest Calculation 
F.45 -  A/P: Set Up Info System 1 
F.46 -  A/P: Evaluate Info System 
F.47 -  Vendors: calc.of interest on arrears
F.48 -  Vendors: FI-MM comparison
F.4A - arr.: Post (w/o OI)
F.4B - arr.: Post(with OI)
F.4C - arr.: w/o postings
F.50 -  G/L: Profitability Segment Adjustmnt
F.51 -  G/L: Open Items 
F.52 -  G/L: Acct Bal.Interest Calculation 
F.53 -  G/L: Account Assignment Manual 
F.54 -  G/L: Structured Account Balances 
F.56 -  Delete Recurring Document 
F.57 -  G/L: Delete Sample Documents 
F.58 -  OI Bal.Audit Trail: fr.Document File
F.59 -  Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Create Extract
F.5A -  Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Eval.Extract 
F.5B -  Accum.OI Aud.Trail: Create Extract 
F.5C -  Accum.OI Audit Trail: Display Extr.
F.5D -  G/L: Update Bal. Sheet Adjustment 
F.5E -  G/L: Post Balance Sheet Adjustment 
F.5F -  G/L: Balance Sheet Adjustment Log 
F.5G -  G/L: Subseq.Adjustment(BA/PC) Sp.ErA
F.5I -  G/L: Adv.Rep.f.Tx on Sls/Purch.w.Jur
F.61 -  Correspondence: Print Requests 
F.62 -  Correspondence: Print Int.Documents
F.63 -  Correspondence: Delete Requests 
F.64 -  Correspondence: Maintain Requests 
F.65 -  Correspondence: Print Letters (Cust)
F.66 -  Correspondence: Print Letters (Vend)
F.70 -  Bill/Exchange Pmnt Request Dunning 
F.71 -  DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation
F.75 -  Extended Bill/Exchange Information 
F.77 -  C FI Maintain Table T045D 
F.78 -  C FI Maintain Table T045B 
F.79 -  C FI Maintain Table T045G 
F.80 -  Mass Reversal of Documents 
F.81 -  Reverse Posting for Accr./Defer.Docs
F.90 -  C FI Maintain Table T045F 
F.91 -  C FI Maintain Table T045L 
F.92 -  C FI Maintain T012K (Bill/Exch.) 
F.93 -  Maintain Bill Liability and Rem.Risk
F.97 -  General Ledger: Report Selection 
F.98 -  Vendors: Report Selection 
F.99 -  Customers: Report Selection 
F/LA -  Create Pricing Report 
F/LB -  Change pricing reports 
F/LC -  Display pricing reports 
F/LD -  Execute pricing reports 
F00 -   SAPoffice: Short Message 
F000 -  Accounting 
F010 -  ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change
F01N -  Debit position RA single reversal 
F01O -  Vacancy RU single reversal 
F01P -  Accruals/deferrals single reversal 
F01Q -  Debit position MC single reversal 
F01R -  MC settlement single reversal 
F01S -  Reverse Periodic Posting 
F01T -  Reverse Acc./Def. General Contract 
F040 -  Reorganization 
F041 -  Bank Master Data Archiving 
F042 -  G/L Accounts Archiving 
F043 -  Customer Archiving 
F044 -  Vendor Archiving 
F045 -  Document Archiving 
F046 -  Transaction Figures Archiving 
F101 -  ABAP/4 Reporting: Balance Sheet Adj.
F103 -  ABAP/4 Reporting: Transfer Receivbls
F104 -  ABAP/4 Reporting: Receivbls Provisn
F107 -  FI Valuation Run 
F110 -  Parameters for Automatic Payment 
F111 -  Parameters for Payment of PRequest 
F13E -  ABAP/4 Report: Automatic Clearing 
F150 -  Dunning Run 
F48A -  Document Archiving 
F53A -  Archiving of G/L Accounts 
F53V -  Management of G/L Account Archives 
F56A -  Customer Archiving 
F58A -  Archiving of Vendors 
F61A -  Bank archiving 
F64A -  Transaction Figure Archiving 
F66A -  Archiving of Bank Data Storage 
F8+0 -  Display FI Main Role Definition 
F8+1 -  Maintain FI Main Role Definition 
F8+2 -  Display FI Amount Groups 
F8+3 -  Maintain FI Amount Groups 
F8B4 -  C FI Maintain Table TBKDC 
F8B6N   C FI Maintain Table TBKPV 
F8BC -  C FI Maintain Table TBKFK 
F8BF -  C FI Maintain Table T042Y 
F8BG -  Maintain Global Data for F111 
F8BH -  Inconsistencies T042I and T042Y 
F8BJ -  Maintain Clearing Accts (Rec.Bank) 
F8BK -  Maintain ALE-Compatible Pmnt Methods
F8BM -  Maintain numb.range: Payment request
F8BN -  Corr.Acctg Documents Payment Block 
F8BO -  Payment request archiving 
F8BR -  Levels for Payment Requests 
F8BS -  Detail display of payment requests 
F8BT -  Display Payment Requests 
F8BU -  Create payment runs automatically 
F8BV -  Reversal of Bank-to-Bank Transfers 
F8BW -  Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests 
F8BZ -  F111 Customizing 
F8XX -  Payment Request No. Ranges KI3-F8BM
FA39 -  Call up report with report variant 
FAKA -  Config.: Show Display Format 
FAKP -  Config.: Maintain Display Format 
FAR1 -  S FI-ARI Maint. table T061A 
FARA -  S FI-ARI Maint. table T061P/Q 
FARB -  C FI-ARI Maint. table T061R 
FARI -  AR Interface: Third-party applicatns
FARY -  Table T061S 
FARZ -  Table T061V 
FAX1 -  BC sample SAP DE 2.1 
FAX2 -  BC sample 2 SAP DE 2.1 
FB00 -  Accounting Editing Options 
FB01 -  Post Document 
FB02 -  Change Document 
FB03 -  Display Document 
FB03Z   Display Document/Payment Usage 
FB04 -  Document Changes 
FB05 -  Post with Clearing 
FB05_OLD Post with clearing 
FB07 -  Control Totals 
FB08 -  Reverse Document 
FB09 -  Change Line Items 
FB10 -  Invoice/Credit Fast Entry 
FB11 -  Post Held Document 
FB12 -  Request from Correspondence 
FB13 -  Release for Payments 
FB1D -  Clear Customer 
FB1K -  Clear Vendor 
FB1S -  Clear G/L Account 
FB21 -  Enter Statistical Posting 
FB22 -  Reverse Statistical Posting 
FB31 -  Enter Noted Item 
FB41 -  Post Tax Payable 
FB50 -  G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans.
FB60 -  Enter Incoming Invoices 
FB65 -  Enter Incoming Credit Memos 
FB70 -  Enter Outgoing Invoices 
FB75 -  Enter Outgoing Credit Memos 
FB99 -  Check if Documents can be Archived 
FBA1 -  Customer Down Payment Request 
FBA2 -  Post Customer Down Payment 
FBA3 -  Clear Customer Down Payment 
FBA6 -  Vendor Down Payment Request 
FBA7 -  Post Vendor Down Payment 
FBA7_OLD Post Vendor Down Payment 
FBA8 -   Clear Vendor Down Payment 
FBA8_OLD Clear Vendor Down Payment 
FBB1 -  Post Foreign Currency Valn 
FBBA -  Display Acct Determination Config. 
FBBP -  Maintain Acct Determination Config.
FBCJ -  Cash Journal 
FBCJC1  Cash Journal Document Number Range 
FBCJC3  C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT 
FBCOPY  Copy Function Module 
FBD1 -  Enter Recurring Entry 
FBD2 -  Change Recurring Entry 
FBD3 -  Display Recurring Entry 
FBD4 -  Display Recurring Entry Changes 
FBD5 -  Realize Recurring Entry 
FBD9 -  Enter Recurring Entry 
FBDF -  Menu Banque de France 
FBE1 -  Create Payment Advice 
FBE2 -  Change Payment Advice 
FBE3 -  Display Payment Advice 
FBE6 -  Delete Payment Advice 
FBE7 -  Add to Payment Advice Account 
FBF1 -  C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind. 
FBF2 -  Financial Transactions 
FBF3 -  Control Report 
FBF4 -  Download Documents 
FBF5 -  Reports Minus Vendor Accounts 
FBF6 -  Document Changes 
FBF7 -  C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind. 
FBF8 -  C84 Reports 
FBFT -  Customizing BDF 
FBIPU   Maintain bank chains for partner 
FBKA -  Display Accounting Configuration 
FBKF -  FBKP/Carry Out Function (Internal) 
FBKP -  Maintain Accounting Configuration 
FBL1 -  Display Vendor Line Items 
FBL1N   Vendor Line Items 
FBL2 -  Change Vendor Line Items 
FBL2N   Vendor Line Items 
FBL3 -  Display G/L Account Line Items 
FBL3N   G/L Account Line Items 
FBL4 -  Change G/L Account Line Items 
FBL4N   G/L Account Line Items 
FBL5 -  Display Customer Line Items 
FBL5N   Customer Line Items 
FBL6 -  Change Customer Line Items 
FBL6N   Customer Line Items 
FBM1 -  Enter Sample Document 
FBM2 -  Change Sample Document 
FBM3 -  Display Sample Document 
FBM4 -  Display Sample Document Changes 
FBMA -  Display Dunning Procedure 
FBME -  Banks 
FBMP -  Maintain Dunning Procedure 
FBN1 -  Accounting Document Number Ranges 
FBN2 -  Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD 
FBP1 -  Enter Payment Request 
FBR1 -  Post with Reference Document 
FBR2 -  Post Document 
FBRA -  Reset Cleared Items 
FBRC -  Reset Cleared Items (Payment Cards)
FBS1 -  Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. 
FBTA -  Display Text Determin.Configuration
FBTP -  Maintain Text Determin.Configuration
FBU2 -  Change Intercompany Document 
FBU3 -  Display Intercompany Document 
FBU8 -  Reverse Cross-Company Code Document
FBV0 -  Post Parked Document 
FBV1 -  Park Document 
FBV2 -  Change Parked Document 
FBV3 -  Display Parked Document 
FBV4 -  Change Parked Document (Header) 
FBV5 -  Document Changes of Parked Documents
FBV6 -  Parked Document $ 
FBVB -  Post Parked Document 
FBW1 -  Enter Bill of Exchange Pmnt Request
FBW2 -  Post Bill of Pmt Request
FBW3 -  Post Bill of Exchange Usage 
FBW4 -  Reverse Bill Liability 
FBW5 -  Customer Check/Bill of Exchange 
FBW6 -  Vendor Check/Bill of Exchange 
FBW7 -  Bank file to file system (for FBWD)
FBW8 -  File to Bank (for Transaction FBWD)
FBW9 -  C FI Maintain Table T045DTA 
FBWA -  C FI Maintain Table T046a 
FBWD -  Returned Bills of Exchange Payable 
FBWD2   Parameter Transaction for FBWD 
FBWE -  Bill/Exch.Presentatn - International
FBWQ -  C FI Maintain Table T045T 
FBWR -  C FI Maintain Table T045W 
FBWS -  C FI Maintain Table T046s 
FBZ0 -  Display/Edit Payment Proposal 
FBZ1 -  Post Incoming Payments 
FBZ2 -  Post Outgoing Payments 
FBZ3 -  Incoming Payments Fast Entry 
FBZ4 -  Payment with Printout 
FBZ5 -  Print Check For Payment Document 
FBZ8 -  Display Payment Run 
FBZA -  Display Pmnt Program Configuration 
FBZG -  Failed Customer Payments 
FBZP -  Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration
FC10 -  Financial Statements Comparison 
FC11 -  Data Extract for FI Transfer 
FC80 -  Document C80 
FC82 -  Document C82 
FCAA -  Check Archiving 
FCC1 -  Payment Cards: Settlement 
FCC2 -  Payment Cards: Repeat Settlement 
FCC3 -  Payment Cards: Delete Logs 
FCC4 -  Payment Cards: Display Logs 
FCCR -  Payment Card Evaluations 
FCH1 -  Display Check Information 
FCH2 -  Display Payment Document Checks 
FCH3 -  Void Checks 
FCH4 -  Renumber Checks 
FCH5 -  Create Check Information 
FCH6 -  Change Check Information/Cash Check
FCH7 -  Reprint Check 
FCH8 -  Reverse Check Payment 
FCH9 -  Void Issued Check 
FCHA -  Check archiving 
FCHB -  Check retrieval 
FCHD -  Delete Payment Run Check Information
FCHE -  Delete Voided Checks 
FCHF -  Delete Manual Checks 
FCHG -  Delete cashing/extract data 
FCHI -  Check Lots 
FCHK -  Check Tracing Initial Menu 
FCHN -  Check Register 
FCHR -  Online Cashed Checks 
FCHT -  Change check/payment allocation 
FCHU -  Create Reference for Check 
FCHV -  C FI Maintain Table TVOID 
FCHX -  Check Extract - Creation 
FCIWCU  BW Customizing for CS 
FCIWD00 Download InfoObject text 
FCIWD10 Download InfoObject hierarchies 
FCKR -  International cashed checks 
FCMM -  C FI Preparations for consolidation
FCMN -  FI Initial Consolidation Menu 
FCV1 -  Create A/R Summary 
FCV2 -  Delete A/R Summary 
FCV3 -  Early Warning List 
FC_BW_BEX -  -  Business Explorer Analyser 
FC_BW_RSA1 -    BW Administrator Workbench 
FC_BW_RSZDELETE Delete BW Query Objects 
FC_BW_RSZV -    Maintain BW Variables 
FD-1 -  Number range maintenance: FVVD_RANL
FD01 -  Create Customer (Accounting) 
FD02 -  Change Customer (Accounting) 
FD02CORE Maintain customer 
FD03 -  Display Customer (Accounting) 
FD04 -  Customer Changes (Accounting) 
FD05 -  Block Customer (Accounting) 
FD06 -  Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctng)
FD08 -  Confirm Customer Individually(Actng)
FD09 -  Confirm Customer List (Accounting) 
FD10 -  Customer Account Balance 
FD10N   Customer Balance Display 
FD10NA  Customer Bal. Display with Worklist
FD11 -  Customer Account Analysis 
FD15 -  Transfer customer changes: send 
FD16 -  Transfer customer changes: receive 
FD24 -  Credit Limit Changes 
FD32 -  Change Customer Credit Management 
FD33 -  Display Customer Credit Management 
FD37 -  Credit Management Mass Change 
FDCU -  Loans customizing menu 
FDFD -  Cash Management Implementation Tool
FDI0 -  Execute Report 
FDI1 -  Create Report 
FDI2 -  Change Report 
FDI3 -  Display Report 
FDI4 -  Create Form 
FDI5 -  Change Form 
FDI6 -  Display Form 
FDIB -  Background Processing 
FDIC -  Maintain Currency Translation Type 
FDIK -  Maintain Key Figures 
FDIM -  Report Monitor 
FDIO -  Transport Reports 
FDIP -  Transport Forms 
FDIQ -  Import Reports from Client 000 
FDIR -  Import Forms from Client 000 
FDIT -  Translation Tool - Drilldown Report
FDIV -  Maintain Global Variable 
FDIX -  Reorganize Drilldown Reports 
FDIY -  Reorganize Report Data 
FDIZ -  Reorganize Forms 
FDK43   Credit Management - Master Data List
FDMN -  
FDOO -  Borrower's notes order overview 
FDTA -  TemSe/REGUT Data Administration 
FDTT -  Treasury Data Medium Administration
FEBA -  Postprocess Electronic Bank Statmt 
FEBC -  Generate Multicash format 
FEBMSG  Display Internet Messages 
FEBOAS  Request Account Statement via OFX 
FEBOFX  OFX Functions 
FEBP -  Post Electronic Bank Statement 
FEBSTS  Search String Search Simulation 
FESR -  Importing of POR File (Switzerland)
FEUB -  Adjust VIBEPP after EURO conversion
FEUI -  Real Estate Implementation Guide 
FF$3 -  Send planning data to central system
FF$4 -  Retrieve planning data 
FF$5 -  Retrieve transmission results 
FF$6 -  Check settings 
FF$7 -  Check all external systems 
FF$A -  Maintain TR-CM subsystems 
FF$B -  Convert Planning Group 
FF$C -  Convert planning level 
FF$D -  Convert business areas 
FF$L -  Display transmission information 
FF$S -  Display transmission information 
FF$X -  Configure the central TR-CM system 
FF-1 -  Outstanding Checks 
FF-2 -  Outstanding Bills of Exchange 
FF-3 -  Cash Management Summary Records 
FF-4 -  CMF Data In Accounting Documents 
FF-5 -  CMF Records fr.Materials Management
FF-6 -  CMF Records from Sales 
FF-7 -  Forecast Item Journal 
FF-8 -  Payment Advice Journal 
FF-9 -  Journal 
FF.1 -  Standard G/L Account Interest Scale
FF.3 -  G/L Account Cashed Checks 
FF.4 -  Vendor Cashed Checks 
FF.5 -  Import Electronic Bank Statement 
FF.6 -  Display Electronic Bank Statement 
FF.7 -  Payment Advice Comparison 
FF.8 -  Print Payment Orders 
FF.9 -  Post Payment Orders 
FF.D -  Generate payt req. from advices 
FF/1 -  Compare Bank Terms 
FF/2 -  Compare value date 
FF/3 -  Archive advices from bank statements
FF/4 -  Import electronic check deposit list
FF/5 -  Post electronic check deposit list 
FF/6 -  Deposit/loan mgmt analysis/posting 
FF/7 -  Deposit/loan management int accruals
FF/8 -  Import Bank Statement into Cash Mgmt
FF/9 -  Compare Advices with Bank Statement
FF63 -  Create Planning Memo Record 
FF65 -  List of Cash Management Memo Records
FF67 -  Manual Bank Statement 
FF68 -  Manual Check Deposit Transaction 
FF6A -  Edit Cash Mgmt Pos Payment Advices 
FF6B -  Edit liquidity forecast planned item
FF70 -  Cash Mgmt Posit./Liquidity Forecast
FF71 -  Cash Position 
FF72 -  Liquidity forecast 
FF73 -  Cash Concentration 
FF74 -  Use Program to Access Cash Concntn 
FF7A -  Cash Position 
FF7B -  Liquidity forecast 
FF:1 -  Maintain exchange rates 
FFB4 -  Import electronic check deposit list
FFB5 -  Post electronic check deposit list 
FFL_OLD Display Transmission Information 
FFS_OLD Display Transmission Information 
FFTL -  Telephone list 
FFW1 -  Wire Authorization 
FFWR -  Post Payment Requests from Advice 
FFWR_REQUESTS   Create Payment Requests from Advice
FF_1 -  Standard G/L Account Interest Scale
FF_3 -  G/L Account Cashed Checks 
FF_4 -  Vendor Cashed Checks 
FF_5 -  Import Electronic Bank Statement 
FF_6 -  Display Electronic Bank Statement 

SAP FI Transaction Code List 2

FG99 -  Flexible G/L: Report Selection
FGI0 -  Execute Report
FGI1 -  Create Report
FGI2 -  Change Report
FGI3 -  Display Report

FGI4 -  Create Form
FGI5 -  Change Form
FGI6 -  Display Form
FGIB -  Background Processing
FGIC -  Maintain Currency Translation Type
FGIK -  Maintain Key Figures
FGIM -  Report Monitor
FGIO -  Transport Reports
FGIP -  Transport Forms
FGIQ -  Import Reports from Client 000
FGIR -  Import Forms from Client 000
FGIT -  Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
FGIV -  Maintain Global Variable
FGIX -  Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FGIY -  Reorganize Report Data
FGIZ -  Reorganize Forms
FGM0 -  Special Purpose Ledger Menu
FGRP -  Report Painter
FGRW -  Report Writer Menu
FI01 -  Create Bank
FI02 -  Change Bank
FI03 -  Display Bank
FI04 -  Display Bank Changes
FI06 -  Mark Bank for Deletion
FI07 -  Change Current Number Range Number
FI12 -  Change House Banks/Bank Accounts
FI12CORE Change House Banks/Bank Accounts
FI13 -  Display House Banks/Bank Accounts
FIBB -  Bank chain determination
FIBC -  Scenarios for Bank Chain Determin.
FIBD -  Allocation client
FIBF -  Maintenance transaction BTE
FIBHS Display bank chains for house banks
FIBHU Maintain bank chains for house banks
FIBL1 Control Origin Indicator
FIBL2 Assign Origin
FIBL3 Group of House Bank Accounts
FIBPS Display bank chians for partners
FIBPU Maintain bank chains for partner
FIBTS Dis. bank chains for acct carry over
FIBTU Main. bank chains for acctCarry over
FIHC -  Create Inhouse Cash Center
FILAUF_WF_CUST Store Order: Workflow Customizing
FILE -  Cross-Client File Names/Paths
FILINV_WF_CUST Store Inventory:Workflow Customizing
FINA -  Branch to Financial Accounting
FINF -  Info System Events
FINP -  Info System Processes
FITP_RESPO -  Contact Partner Responsibilities
FITP_SETTINGS Settings for Travel Planning
FITP_SETTINGS_TREE -  Tree Maintenance Current Settings
FITVFELD -  -  Tree
FJA1 -  Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts
FJA2 -  Reset Transaction Data G/L Acc.Infl.
FJA3 -  Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation
FJA4 -  Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC)
FJA5 -  Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC)
FJA6 -  Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC)
FJEE -  Exercise Subscription Right
FK01 -  Create Vendor (Accounting)
FK02 -  Change Vendor (Accounting)
FK02CORE Maintain vendor
FK03 -  Display Vendor (Accounting)
FK04 -  Vendor Changes (Accounting)
FK05 -  Block Vendor (Accounting)
FK06 -  Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng)
FK08 -  Confirm Vendor Individually (Acctng)
FK09 -  Confirm Vendor List (Accounting)
FK10 -  Vendor Account Balance
FK10N Vendor Balance Display
FK10NA Vendor Balance Display
FK15 -  Transfer vendor changes: receive
FK16 -  Transfer vendor changes: receive
FKI0 -  Execute Report
FKI1 -  Create Report
FKI2 -  Change Report
FKI3 -  Display Report
FKI4 -  Create Form
FKI5 -  Change Form
FKI6 -  Display Form
FKIB -  Background Processing
FKIC -  Maintain Currency Translation Type
FKIK -  Maintain Key Figures
FKIM -  Report Monitor
FKIO -  Transport Reports
FKIP -  Transport Forms
FKIQ -  Import Reports from Client 000
FKIR -  Import Forms from Client 000
FKIT -  Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
FKIV -  Maintain Global Variable
FKIX -  Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FKIY -  Reorganize Report Data
FKIZ -  Reorganize Forms
FKMT -  FI Acct Assignment Model Management
FLB1 -  Postprocessing Lockbox Data
FLB2 -  Import Lockbox File
FLBP -  Post Lockbox Data
FLCV -  Create/Edit Document Template WF
FM+0 -  Display FM Main Role Definition
FM+1 -  Maintain FM Main Role Definition
FM+2 -  Display FM Amount Groups
FM+3 -  Maintain FM Amount Groups
FM+4 -  Display FM Budget Line Groups
FM+5 -  Maintain FM Budget Line Groups
FM+6 -  Display FM Document Classes
FM+7 -  Maintain FM Document Classes
FM+8 -  Display FM Activity Categories
FM+9 -  Maintain FM Activity Categories
FM+A -  Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt
FM+B -  Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt
FM03 -  Display FM Document
FM21 -  Change Original Budget
FM22 -  Display Original Budget
FM25 -  Change Supplement
FM26 -  Display Supplement
FM27 -  Change Return
FM28 -  Transfer Budget
FM29 -  Display Return
FM2D -  Display Funds Center Hierarchy
FM2E -  Change Budget Document
FM2F -  Display Budget Document
FM2G -  Funds Center Hierarchy
FM2H -  Maintain Funds Center Hierarchy
FM2I -  Create Funds Center
FM2S -  Display Funds Center
FM2T -  Change Releases
FM2U -  Change Funds Center
FM2V -  Display Releases
FM3D -  Display Commitment Item Hierarchy
FM3G -  Commitment Item Hierarchy
FM3H -  Maintain Commitment Item Hierarchy
FM3I -  Create Commitment Item
FM3N -  Commitment Items for G/L Accounts
FM3S -  Display Commitment Item
FM3U -  Change Commitment Item
FM48 -  Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn
FM48_1 PS-CM: Create Planning Layout
FM48_2 PS-CM: Change Planning Layout
FM48_3 PS-CM: Display Planning Layout
FM49 -  Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn
FM4G -  Budget Structure Element Hierarchy
FM5I -  Create Fund
FM5S -  Display Fund
FM5U -  Change Fund
FM5_DEL -  Delete fund preselection
FM5_DISP Display fund preselection
FM5_SEL -  Preselection Fund
FM6I -  Create Application of Funds
FM6S -  Display Application of Funds
FM6U -  Change Application of Funds
FM71 -  Maintain Cover Pools
FM72 -  Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool
FM78 -  Charact.Groups for Cover Pools
FM79 -  Grouping Chars for Cover Pool
FM7A -  Display Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7I -  Create Attributes for FM Acct Asst
FM7P -  Maintain Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7S -  Display Cover Eligibility Rules
FM7U -  Maintain Cover Eligibility Rules
FM9B -  Copy Budget Version
FM9C -  Plan Data Transfer from CO
FM9D -  Lock Budget Version
FM9E -  Unlock Budget Version
FM9F -  Delete Budget Version
FM9G -  Roll Up Supplement
FM9H -  Roll up Original Budget
FM9I -  Roll Up Return
FM9J -  Roll Up Releases
FM9K -  Change Budget Structure
FM9L -  Display Budget Structure
FM9M -  Delete Budget Structure
FM9N -  Generate Budget Object
FM9P -  Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values
FM9Q -  Total Up Budget
FM9W -  Adjust Funds Management Budget
FMA1 -  Matching: Totals and Balances (CBM)
FMA2 -  Matching: CBM Line Items and Totals
FMA3 -  Matching: FI Line Items (CBM)
FMA4 -  Matching: FI Bank Line Items (CBM)
FMAA -  Matching: Line Items and Totals (FM)
FMAB -  Matching: FI FM Line Items
FMAC -  Leveling: FM Commitment Line Items
FMAD -  Leveling: FI-FM Totals Records
FMAE -  Display Change Documents
FMAF -  Level Line Items and Totals Items
FMB0 -  CO Document Transfer
FMB1 -  Display Security Prices-Collect.
FMBI -  Use Revenues to Increase Expend.Bdgt
FMBUD005 FIFM Budget Data Export
FMBUD006 FIFM Budget Data Import
FMBV -  Activate Availability Control
FMC2 -  Customizing in Day-to-Day Business
FMCB -  Reassignment: Document Selection
FMCC -  Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment
FMCD -  Reassignment: Delete Work List
FMCG -  Reassignment: Overall Assignment
FMCN -  Reassignment: Supplement.Acct Assgt
FMCR -  Reassignment: Display Work List
FMCT -  Reassignment: Transfer
FMD1 -  Change Carryforward Rules
FMD2 -  Display Carryforward Rules
FMDM -  Monitor Closing Operations
FMDS -  Copy Carryforward Rules
FMDT -  Display Carryforward Rules
FME1 -  Import Forms from Client 000
FME2 -  Import Reports from Client 000
FME3 -  Transport Forms
FME4 -  Transport Reports
FME5 -  Reorganize Forms
FME6 -  Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FME7 -  Reorganize Report Data
FME8 -  Maintain Batch Variants
FME9 -  Translation Tool - Drilldown
FMEB -  Structure Report Backgrnd Processing
FMEH -  SAP-EIS: Hierarchy Maintenance
FMEK -  FMCA: Create Drilldown Report
FMEL -  FMCA: Change Drilldown Report
FMEM -  FMCA: Display Drilldown Report
FMEN -  FMCA: Create Form
FMEO -  FMCA: Change Form
FMEP -  FMCA: Display Form
FMEQ -  FMCA: Run Drilldown Report
FMER -  FMCA: Drilldown Tool Test Monitor
FMEURO1 Create Euro FM Area
FMEURO2 Refresh Euro Master Data
FMEURO3 Display Euro FM Areas
FMEURO4 Deactivate Euro FM Areas
FMEV -  Maintain Global Variable
FMF0 -  Payment Selection
FMF1 -  Revenue Transfer
FMG1 -  FM: Create Commitment Item Group
FMG2 -  FM: Change Commitment Item Group
FMG3 -  FM: Display Commitment Item Group
FMG4 -  FM: Delete Commitment Item Group
FMG5 -  Generate BS Objects fr.Cmmt Item Grp
FMHC -  Check Bdgt Structure Elements in HR
FMHG -  Generate Bdgt Struc Elements in HR
FMHGG Generate BS Elements f. Several Fnds
FMHH -  Master Data Check
FMHIST Apportion Document in FM
FMHV -  Budget Memo Texts
FMIA -  Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget
FMIB -  Increase Budget by Revenues
FMIC -  Generate Additional Budget Incr.Data
FMIL -  Delete Rules for Revs Incr. Budget
FMIP -  Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget
FMIS -  Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget
FMIU -  Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget
FMJ1 -  Fiscal Year Close: Select Commitment
FMJ1_TR Settlement: Select Commitment
FMJ2 -  Fiscal Year Close: Carr.Fwd Commts
FMJ2_TR Settlement: Transfer Commitment
FMJ3 -  Reverse Commitments Carryforward
FMJA -  Budget Fiscal Year Close: Prepare
FMJA_TR Budget Settlement: Prepare
FMJB -  Determine Budget Year-End Closing
FMJB_TR Budget Settlement: Determine
FMJC -  Budget Fiscal-Year Close: Carry Fwd
FMJC_TR Budget Settlement: Transfer
FMJD -  Reverse Fiscal Year Close: Budget
FMLD -  Ledger Deletion
FMLF -  Classify Movement Types
FMN0 -  Subsequent Posting of FI Documents
FMN1 -  Subsequent Posting of MM Documents
FMN2 -  Subsequent Posting of Billing Docs
FMN3 -  Transfer Purchase Req. Documents
FMN4 -  Transfer Purchase Order Documents
FMN5 -  Transfer Funds Reservation Documents
FMN8 -  Simulation Lists Debit Position
FMN8_OLD Simulation Lists Debit Position
FMN9 -  Posted Debit Position List
FMN9_OLD Posted Debit Position List
FMNA -  Display CBA Rules
FMNP -  Maintain CBA Rules
FMNR -  Assign SN-BUSTL to CBA
FMNS -  Display CBA Rules
FMNU -  Maintain CBA Rules
FMP0 -  Maintain Financial Budget
FMP1 -  Display Financial Budget
FMP2 -  Delete Financial Budget Version
FMR0 -  Reconstruct Parked Documents
FMR1 -  Actual/Commitment Report
FMR2 -  Actual/Commitment per Company Code
FMR3 -  Plan/Actual/Commitment Report
FMR4 -  Plan/Commitment Report w.Hierarchy
FMR5A 12 Period Forecast: Actual and Plan
FMR6A Three Period Display: Plan/Actual
FMRA -  Access Report Tree
FMRB -  Access Report Tree
FMRE_ARCH -  Archive Earmarked Funds
FMRE_EWU01 Earmarked Funds: Euro Preprocessing
FMRE_EWU02 Earmarked Funds: Euro Postprocessing
FMRE_SERLK Close Earmarked Funds
FMRP18 Clear Subsequent Postings
FMSS -  Display Status Assignment
FMSU -  Change Assigned Status
FMU0 -  Display Funds Reservation Doc.Types
FMU1 -  Maintain Funds Reservation Doc.Types
FMU2 -  Display Funds Reservtn Fld Variants
FMU3 -  Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Variants
FMU4 -  Display Funds Reservation Fld Groups
FMU5 -  Maintain Funds Reservatn Fld Groups
FMU6 -  Display Funds Reservtn Field Selctn
FMU7 -  Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Selctn
FMU8 -  Display Template Type for Fds Resvtn
FMU9 -  Maintain Template Type for Fds Resvn
FMUA -  Dispay Fds Res.Template Type Fields
FMUB -  Maintain Fds Res.Template Type Flds
FMUC -  Display Funds Res. Reference Type
FMUD -  Maintain Funds Res.Reference Type
FMUE -  Display Funds Res.Ref.Type Fields
FMUF -  Maintaine Fds Rsvtn Ref.Type Fields
FMUG -  Display Reasons for Decision
FMUH -  Maintain Reasons for Decisions
FMUI -  Display Groups for Workflow Fields
FMUJ -  Maintain Groups for Workflow Fields
FMUK -  Display Fields in Groups for WF
FMUL -  Maintain Fields in Groups for WF
FMUM -  Display Field Selctn ->Variant/Group
FMUN -  Display Field Seln->Variant/Group
FMUV -  Funds Resvtn Field Status Var.Asst
FMV1 -  Create Forecast of Revenue
FMV2 -  Change Forecast of Revenue
FMV3 -  Display Forecast of Revenue
FMV4 -  Approve Forecast of Revenue
FMV5 -  Change FM Acct Asst in Fcst of Rev.
FMV6 -  Reduce Forecast of Revenue Manually
FMVI -  Create Summarization Item
FMVO -  Fund Balance Carryforward
FMVS -  Display Summarization Item
FMVT -  Carry Forward Fund Balance
FMVU -  Change Summarization Item
FMW1 -  Create Funds Blocking
FMW2 -  Change Funds Blocking
FMW3 -  Display Funds Blocking
FMW4 -  Approve Funds Blocking
FMW5 -  Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Blkg
FMWA -  Create Funds Transfer
FMWAZ Payment Transfer
FMWB -  Change Funds Transfer
FMWC -  Display Funds Transfer
FMWD -  Approve Funds Transfer
FMWE -  Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Trsfr
FMX1 -  Create Funds Reservation
FMX2 -  Change Funds Reservation
FMX3 -  Display Funds Reservation
FMX4 -  Approve Funds Reservation
FMX5 -  Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Resvn
FMX6 -  Funds Reservation: Manual Reduction
FMY1 -  Create Funds Commitment
FMY2 -  Change Funds Commitment
FMY3 -  Display Funds Precommitment
FMY4 -  Approve Funds Precommitment
FMY5 -  Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Prcmmt
FMY6 -  Reduce Funds Precommitment Manually
FMZ1 -  Create Funds Commitment
FMZ2 -  Change Funds Commitment
FMZ3 -  Display Funds Commitment
FMZ4 -  Approve Funds Commitment
FMZ5 -  Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Commt
FMZ6 -  Reduce Funds Commitment Manually
FMZBVT Carry Forward Balance
FMZZ -  Revalue Funds Commitments
FM_DL07 -  Delete Worklist
FM_DLFI -  Deletes FI Documnts Transferred from
FM_DLFM -  Deletes all FM Data (fast)
FM_DLOI -  Deletes Cmmts Transferred from FM
FM_EURO_M Parameter maintenance for euro conv.
FM_RC06 -  Reconcile FI Paymts-> FM Totals Itms
FM_RC07 -  Reconcile FI Paymts-> FM Line Items
FM_RC08 -  Reconcile FM Paymts -> FM Line Items
FM_RC11 -  Select Old Payments
FM_S123 -  GR/IR: Post OIs to FM Again
FM_S201 -  Post Payments on Account to FIFM
FM_SD07 -  Display Worklist
FN-1 -  No.range: FVVD_RANL (Loan number)
FN-4 -  Number range maintenance: FVVD_PNNR
FN-5 -  Number range maintenance: FVVD_SNBNR
FN-6 -  Number range maintenance: FVVD_RPNR
FN09 -  Create Borrower's Note Order
FN11 -  Change borrower's note order
FN12 -  Display borrower's note order
FN13 -  Delete borrower's note order
FN15 -  Create borrower's note contract
FN16 -  Change borrower's note contract
FN17 -  Display borrower's note contract
FN18 -  Payoff borrower's note contract
FN19 -  Reverse borrower's note contract
FN1A -  Create other loan contract
FN1V -  Create other loan contract
FN20 -  Create borrower's note offer
FN21 -  Change borrower's note offer
FN22 -  Display borrower's note offer
FN23 -  Delete borrower's note offer
FN24 -  Activate borrower's note offer
FN2A -  Change other loan application
FN2V -  Change other loan contract
FN30 -  Create policy interested party
FN31 -  Change policy interested party
FN32 -  Display policy interested party
FN33 -  Delete policy interested party
FN34 -  Policy interested party in applic.
FN35 -  Policy interested party in contract
FN37 -  Loan Reversal Chain
FN3A -  Display other loan application
FN3V -  Display other loan contract
FN40 -  Create other loan interested party
FN41 -  Change other loan interested party
FN42 -  Display other loan interested party
FN43 -  Delete other loan interested party
FN44 -  Other loan in applic.
FN45 -  Other loan interested prty in cntrct
FN4A -  Delete other loan application
FN4V -  Delete other loan contract
FN5A -  Other loan application in contract
FN5V -  Payoff other loan contract
FN61 -  Create collateral value
FN62 -  Change collateral value
FN63 -  Display collateral value
FN70 -  List 25
FN72 -  List 54
FN80 -  Enter manual debit position
FN81 -  Change manual debit position
FN82 -  Display manual debit position
FN83 -  Create waiver
FN84 -  Change waiver
FN85 -  Display waiver
FN86 -  Enter debit position depreciation
FN87 -  Change debit position depreciation
FN88 -  Display debit position depreciation
FN8A -  Manual Entry: Unsched. Repayment
FN8B -  Manual Entry: Other Bus. Operations
FN8C -  Manual Entry: Charges
FN8D -  Post Planned Records
FNA0 -  Policy application in contract
FNA1 -  Create mortgage application
FNA2 -  Change mortgage application
FNA3 -  Display mortgage application
FNA4 -  Complete mortgage application
FNA5 -  Mortgage application in contract
FNA6 -  Create policy application
FNA7 -  Change policy application
FNA8 -  Display policy application
FNA9 -  Delete policy application
FNAA -  Reactivate deleted mortgage applic.
FNAB -  Reactivate deleted mortg.
FNAC -  Reactivate deleted mortgage contract
FNAD -  Reactivate deleted policy applicat.
FNAE -  Reactivate deleted policy contract
FNAG -  Reactivate deleted other loan applic
FNAH -  Reactivate del. other loan
FNAI -  Reactivate deleted other loan cntrct
FNAK -  Select file character
FNAL -  Reactivate deleted BNL contract
FNAM -  Reactivate deleted policy contract
FNASL Loans: Account Analysis
FNB1 -  Transfer to a Loan
FNB2 -  Transfer from a Loan
FNB3 -  Document Reversal - Loans
FNB8 -  BAV Information
FNB9 -  BAV transfer
FNBD -  Loans-Automatic bal.sheet transfer
FNBG -  Guarantee charges list
FNBU -  DARWIN- Loans accounting menu
FNCD -  Transfer Customizing for Dunning
FNCW1 Maintain Standard Role
FNCW2 Transaction Release: Adjust Workflow
FNDD -  Convert Dunning Data in Dunn.History
FNEN -  Create Loan
FNENALG Create General Loan
FNENHYP Create Mortgage Loan
FNENPOL Create Policy Loan
FNENSSD Create Borrower's Note Loan
FNF1 -  Rollover: Create file
FNF2 -  Rollover: Change file
FNF3 -  Rollover: Display file
FNF4 -  Rollover: Fill file
FNF9 -  Rollover: Evaluations
FNFO -  ISIS: Create file
FNFP -  ISIS: Change file
FNFQ -  ISIS: Display file
FNFR -  ISIS: Fill file
FNFT -  Rollover: File evaluation
FNFU -  Rollover: Update file
FNG2 -  Total Loan Commitment
FNG3 -  Total Commitment
FNI0 - 
FNI1 -  Create mortgage application
FNI2 -  Change mortgage application
FNI3 -  Display mortgage application
FNI4 -  Delete mortgage application
FNI5 -  Mortgage application to offer
FNI6 -  Mortgage application in contract
FNIA -  Create interested party
FNIB -  Change interested party
FNIC -  Display interested party
FNID -  Delete interested party
FNIE -  Reactivate interested party
FNIH -  Decision-making
FNIJ -  Create credit standing
FNIK -  Change credit standing
FNIL -  Display credit standing
FNIN -  Create collateral value
FNIO -  Change collateral value
FNIP -  Display collateral value
FNK0 -  Multimillion Loan Display (GBA14)
FNK1 -  Loans to Managers (GBA15)
FNKO -  Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation
FNL1 -  Rollover: Create Main File
FNL2 -  Rollover: Change Main File
FNL3 -  Rollover: Displ. Main File Structure
FNL4 -  New business
FNL5 -  New business
FNL6 -  New business
FNM1 -  Automatic Posting
FNM1S Automatic Posting - Single
FNM2 -  Balance sheet transfer
FNM3 -  Loans reversal module
FNM4 -  Undisclosed assignment
FNM5 -  Automatic debit position simulation
FNM6 -  Post dunning charges/int.on arrears
FNM7 -  Loan reversal chain
FNMA -  Partner data: Settings menu
FNMD -  Submenu General Loans
FNME -  Loans management menu
FNMEC Loans Management Menu
FNMH -  Loans management menu
FNMI -  Loans information system
FNMO -  Loans Menu Policy Loans
FNMP -  Rollover
FNMS -  Loans Menu Borrower's Notes
FNN4 -  Display general file
FNN5 -  Edit general file
FNN6 -  Display general main file
FNN7 -  Edit general main file
FNN8 -  Display general main file
FNN9 -  Edit general overall file
FNO1 -  Create Object
FNO2 -  Change Object
FNO3 -  Display Object
FNO5 -  Create collateral
FNO6 -  Change collateral
FNO7 -  Display collateral
FNO8 -  Create Objects from File
FNO9 -  Create Collateral from File
FNP0 -  Edit rollover manually
FNP4 -  Rollover: Display file
FNP5 -  Rollover: Edit File
FNP6 -  Rollover: Display main file
FNP7 -  Rollover: Edit main file
FNP8 -  Rollover: Display overall file
FNP9 -  Rollover: Edit overall file
FNQ2 -  New Business Statistics
FNQ3 -  Postprocessing IP rejection
FNQ4 -  Customer Inc. Payment Postprocessing
FNQ5 -  Transact.type - Acct determinat.adj.
FNQ6 -  Compare Flow Type/Account Determin.
FNQ7 -  Generate flow type
FNQ8 -  Automatic Clearing for Overpayments
FNQ9 -  Int. adjustment run
FNQF -  Swiss interest adjustment run
FNQG -  Swiss special interest run
FNR0 -  Loans: Posting Journal
FNR6 -  Insur.prtfolio trends - NEW
FNR7 -  Totals and Balance List
FNR8 -  Account statement
FNR9 -  Planning list
FNRA -  Other accruals/deferrals
FNRB -  Memo record update
FNRC -  Accruals/deferrals reset
FNRD -  Display incoming payments
FNRE -  Reverse incoming payments
FNRI -  Portfolio Analysis Discount/Premium
FNRS -  Reversal Accrual/Deferral
FNS1 -  Collateral number range
FNS4 -  Cust. list parameters for loan order
FNS6 -  Installation parameter lists
FNS7 -  Loan Portfolio Trend Customizing
FNSA -  Foreign currency valuation
FNSB -  Master data summary
FNSL -  Balance reconciliation list
FNT0 -  Loan correspondence (Switzerland)
FNT1 -  Autom. deadline monitoring
FNT2 -  Copy text modules to client
FNUB -  Treasury transfer
FNV0 -  Payoff policy contract
FNV1 -  Create mortgage contract
FNV2 -  Change mortgage contract
FNV3 -  Display mortgage contract
FNV4 -  Delete mortgage contract
FNV5 -  Payoff mortgage contract
FNV6 -  Create policy contract
FNV7 -  Change policy contract
FNV8 -  Display policy contract
FNV9 -  Delete policy contract
FNVA -  Create paid off contracts
FNVCOMPRESSION Loans: Document Data Summarization
FNVD -  Disburse Contract
FNVI -  Loans: General Overview
FNVM -  Change Contract
FNVR -  Reactivate Contract
FNVS -  Display Contract
FNVW -  Waive Contract
FNWF -  WF Loans Release: List of Work Items
FNWF_REP Release Workflow: Synchronization
FNWO -  Loans: Fast Processing
FNWS -  Housing statistics
FNX1 -  Rollover: Create Table
FNX2 -  Rollover: Change Table
FNX3 -  Rollover: Display Table
FNX6 -  Rollover: Delete Table
FNX7 -  Rollover: Deactivate Table
FNX8 -  Rollover: Print Table
FNXD -  TR-EDT: Documentation
FNXG -  List of Bus. Partners Transferred
FNXU -  List of Imported Loans
FNY1 -  New Business: Create Table
FNY2 -  New Business: Change Table
FNY3 -  New Business: Display Table
FNY6 -  New Business: Delete Table
FNY7 -  New Business: Deactivate Table
FNY8 -  New Business: Print Table
FNZ0 -  Rejections report
FNZ1 -  Postprocessing payment transactions
FNZA -  Account Determination Customizing
FN_1 -  Table maint. transferred loans
FN_2 -  Table maintenance transf. partner
FN_UPD_FELDAUSW Update Program for Field Selection