Friday, April 15, 2011

Creating Search Help In SAP

Today we will learn how to create search help in SAP, so what is search help? Search help is an object that we create using tcode se11, it’s one of the data dictionaries object in SAP. Using search help we can make a search to a particular data much easier, because it will create a pop up window that contains all the data related with our search.
There are 2 types of search help, the first one is elementary and the second one is collective, elementary search help usually only requires one table to create it, while the collective search help is a collection of more than one search helps.
Now we want to create an elementary search help.
Let’s execute tcode se11. Choose the Search help option and Type in the search help name that we want to create, in this example I’ll name it as ZSEARCHHELP, after that click create button.
search help
In the popup window selection, choose the Elemetary search help, click ok.
Type in the search help description, in this case I named it as Customer search help.
Click the selection method button and choose search for database tables because we want to display data from the customer table.
Now type the KNA1 table on the given textbox.
Now you only need to determine which columns from the KNA1 table that you want to display in your search help, in this case I want to display 3 columns, KUNNR, NAME1, STRAS. You also have to set the IMP, EXP, LPOS, SPOS columns, just do it as the pictures illustrated below.
Save, Activate and test (F8) Your search help is ready to use.

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